Chapter 37

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Remember our famous Dean that we all hate? lol well you'll get to find out more about her this chapter. 👀


•Lauren's POV•

"Wait what?"

"Lauren there's no time to explain, pack whatever you need and we have to go." Zayn ushered in a panicked tone.


"Lauren, please. Listen to me we don't have time, they're almost here. Just please get what you need and meet me out here as quickly as you can." I didn't ask any further questions and dashed up to my room. I quickly grabbed some clothes and essentials and shoved them in a bag before sprinting down the stairs. Zayn was already in my car and was ushering me with his hand to hurry. I scrambled to get my shoes on and ran out. It was still pouring outside, not making it easy to see clearly. I made it to my car and got in the drivers side while throwing my bags in the backseat.

"Hurry start it and just drive, I'll tell you where to go." Zayn instructed agitated. I nodded and quickly started it and sped off. I could see Zayn on the corner of my eyes wincing from his wound. I glanced over at him but quickly focused back on the road.

"A-are you o-okay?" I asked him with a slight tremble in my voice.

He slightly nodded, "I have to heal." He murmured more to himself. "Turn right here and keep heading straight." His eyes shifted up then back down to his injury. I bit my lip and realized we where heading out of town. I still didn't know what was going on and I just left my house with a bag of clothes and was headed to god knows where. I felt my hands begin to shake thinking something could really go wrong.

I flinched when I felt a cold hand press lightly on my arm. I looked over at Zayn and saw he was just as scared as me. "I'll explain once we get out. Right now we have to focus on them not tracking us."
I only nodded and tried calming myself.

I felt something hit the car making the car swerve a little. I tried regaining the balance and the car screeched from the wet tires.

"Shit!" Zayn cursed as he looked back. "Lauren keep driving," he exclaimed and lifted his arm out and hit something. My knuckles were white from grubbing the wheel so hard.

"Zayn what's going on!" I yelled as I tried maintaining the car under control. But the pouring rain and my anxiety was making it hard.

"Just keep driving!" He yelled back and leaned his body out the window again and swung, making something hit the car with a dog whimper. That's when I knew we were being attacked. Soon loud howls were heard and I glanced towards the woods on both sides of us and saw fast moving shadows chasing right along side us.

I tried my best to focus on the road as Zayn keep cursing from his pain and the amount of wolves that were surrounding us.

"Make a left and keep off the road!" I heard Zayn exclaimed over the thunder and rain. I quickly turned the wheel and proceeded to a unused track. We kept slamming up and down as the road was bumpy. We seemed to have lost them for now. Zayn moved his body back in and lifted his shirt. He winced loudly and gripped the side of the window.

"Zayn why aren't you healing?" I panicked glancing over at him.

"They must've-they must've used something." He said between his teeth. Trying to keep in the pain. I looked at his wound and it was almost a flashback of what Camila wound looked like.

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