Chapter 33

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•Camila's POV•

Harry was the first to walk out as we all followed close behind. Our bodies were stiff as we were prepared for anything once we walked out.

It was dark outside but I could easily see. There stood a pack of five wolves growling at us with mincing eyes. Ready to attack if needed to. What caught me off guard was the change in their eye color. It was very rare to see wolves with colored eyes. The only ones who had them were their elders or their pack leaders. But they all had a variety of colors among them. I looked over at the other five and saw they were just as confused as me except Harry. He seemed as he was expecting it.

After a long moment of silence Harry stepped forward. "Are you here to fight or what?" Harry snarled earning them to growl back. One stepped out, who seemed to be in charged and met just a foot away from Harry. They looked at each other intently and I knew they were communicating. Harry eyes frowned then only nodded. "I guess it is." He muttered at the pack leader. The wolf looked at me and I could almost see it smirking as he barked at the other wolves and they left.

"What the hell was that?" Louis asked looking at all of us. We all seemed just as bewildered as him. "Harry," he called out as Harry hardly moved.

"Harry you alright mate?" Liam stepped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. It seemed to snap him out of his thoughts as he looked up.

Zayn was the one to ask again, "Harry what happened? What did they say?"

Harry only shook his head and nodded toward the cabin. "Not out here, let's go inside." He mumbled but his tone seemed uneasy.

Niall looked at me since he was standing right next to me and only shrugged. We piled inside and sat down where we were all sitting before. We stayed silent, giving Harry time to process his thoughts.

"We're going to need more people than I thought." He finally uttered out causing all of us to frown in confusion.

"What why?"

"Because there's more of them than I thought they were." He snapped angrily but he seemed to direct his anger more towards himself.

"How many more...?" Zayn asked cautiously knowing Harry seemed like he was about to snap any second.

"Too many." He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. We all jumped when Harry slammed his hands down on the table and stood up. "God damn it why didn't I see this before! There's no way we're stepping out there to fight. We'll up dying within the first minutes."

"Hey, we've always been stronger and more faster than them. We can handle this." Liam stood as well.

"No Liam we can't! They're more faster and stronger than you think. Did you see their eyes? They were glowing with power!" He growled with distraught. I never seen him look so uneasy and anxious before. It scared me.

Louis was the next to stand up, "So now what? We back out? Because I'm not leaving Camila-"

"I'm not saying we're backing out! I'm saying we need more help." Harry snapped at him. They both seemed heated as they glared at one another.

Niall seemed to notice and immediately got up coming between them. "Okay let's not kill each other here." He put his hands up to both of them. He turned to Harry, "If you say we need more help then let's get it. But who?" He asked trying to ease the tension.

"I know a few people but it's gonna take time to reach out." Harry seemed to calm down a little as he ran his hair back.

"How much time do we have?" Liam asked looking at Harry.

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