Chapter 4

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The next day I spotted Ally sitting by herself on the outside table, eating a salad. I immediately ran over there and slammed my hands on the wooden table making Ally gasp and flinch back.

"Woah Lauren..." She breathed as she sat her fork down. "Are you oka-"

"I need you to tell me everything and anything you know about Camila. Now." I cut her off. She seemed a little token back at my urgency to know.

"Lauren calm down alright? Let's just-"

"No Ally, I need to know, now." I pushed. I barely slept a wink last night as my mind was racing. "Please Ally." She caved in as she saw how badly I wanted to know. She sighed.

"It's not simple Lauren, it's really not." She explained as she gazed at her hands.

"I've only been here three days and seems that nothing is simple when it comes to Camila." I mumbled as I sat my bag down and took a seat.

"Trust me I know," she mumbled back. "Well," she looked at her small watch on her wrist. "We've got about 20 minutes before the bell rings," I nodded feeling like that's enough time. I hope so at least.

"Okay well before we begin, please hold your questions until the end cause it will be easier to explain once I've told you everything." She advised, I again nodded and motioned her to begin. She sighed, "Alright. To begin with no one knows much about her in all honesty. Most of the stuff I'm about to tell you could most likely could just be lies that this school had everyone believe." She paused for a moment before continuing, "Some said she doesn't have parents and lives on her own-which no on knows where that is either- she's never brought them in during parent conferences and important things dealing with them. It's like they don't even exist. She's been going here since freshman year and no one has seen them or heard of them which is weird since Camila gets sent to the principles office a few times for fighting." I gulped a little remembering her blaring eyes as she fought that creature.

"She doesn't speak much, like at all. Only a few words here and there. The only person that we've really seen her talk with a little is Dinah. She also likes to wear her hoodie up a lot. Especially after that incident in freshman year."

"What happ-" she cute me off with her hand.

"Until the end," she reminded. I sighed and let her continue. "As you know there's a lot of strange things about her, like in the beginning everyone was all over her because we both can't lie, she's perfection all around. Boys were dropping at their feet just to get her to even look at them," I rolled my eyes knowing how annoying that must've been. "She seemed in a lot of pain though, with everyone crowded around her, wanting a chance to look at the beauty. She ended up shoving someone really hard and some said they saw her eyes blare red of course that was just something some idiot made up to get some attention," I instantly shuddered.

"Anyways after that she wore a hoodie a lot and some just were afraid of her. It was just all weird cause one moment everyone was going gaga for her then the next week it all suddenly stopped. It's was strange, it's like she made it stop." Ally frowned at her own statement, "it's hard to explain." she shrugged.

I didn't say anything as I thought about everything she told me through. "She also always misses a lot of days of school sometimes. Every time she gets in a fight or something she disappears..."

"Wha-" the last warning bell rung, cutting me off. "Shit," I cussed. "Is there anyone who she speaks to? That she might be close to?" I asked quickly.

"No...just Dinah and that's like only a sentence or two." She responded while putting her salad away. I sat thinking again until I felt Ally's hand on me. "I don't know what the big urgency to know about Camila but I hope I helped." She gave me a small smile. "Come on, let's go or we'll be late." She tugged me back into school with my mind still clouded.

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