Chapter 30

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•3rd Person's POV•

Ally and Normani made their way out with an oblivious-to-everything, Dinah right behind them. Ally grabbed Normani's wrist, stopping her before turning to Dinah who was stuck to her phone.

"Dinah mind waiting in the car for us? We'll be right there." Dinah only muffled a "whatever," before walking to the car without even looking up from her phone.

Ally sighed and waited for Dinah to get in the car before turning to Normani who was refusing to look at her. "Don't give me that attitude Normani, you knew what you were about to do wasn't right." She scolded shaking her head in disapproval.

Normani turned to look at the shorter girl in disbelief. "Wasn't right?" She scoffed, "No, what wasn't right is keeping this secret from Lauren, who you know damn well deserves to know." She crossed her arms and shook her head.

"Lauren knows what she's getting into, she's a big girl. You don't need to be going around sharing other people's secrets." Ally pointed at Normani in a scolding manor.

"Don't go pointing fingers at me Allyson." Normani grabbed Ally's finger moving it out of her face but not harshly. It wasn't Ally that she was necessarily mad at. "Also no, Lauren doesn't know what she's getting into. She's doesn't even know half! She looked lost as fuck while I was talking to her. There's no way Camila even told her a lint of anything."

Ally rubbed her temples at the lack of understanding from Normani. "Okay I get that but what would spilling something highly personal to Camila do?"

"It would keep Lauren safe and hopefully make her see how wrong and bad being with Camila is." Normani explained her reasoning. Ally scoffed, not believing her one hundred percent.

"It's not really about that is it?"

Normani looked over at her confused. "What the hell are you talking about Ally?"

"You and I both know that's not the main reason you want to tell Lauren Camila's secret." Ally set her hands on her hips giving Normani her all-to-well knowing look.

Normani just shook her head as she scoffed at the shorter girl. "Fine, you're right. That's not my number one reason but Lauren safety is important to me too okay? Don't go pointing fingers at me saying I don't care." She stated looking back at Ally.

Normani did care for Lauren. It might not be the official reasoning for her actions but it definitely was a top one.

"I know you care but using that excuse for your actions isn't right."

Normani's eyes became glossy as she stared back at Ally with arms crossed. "Neither was Camila's. You know what isn't right? Camila showing her face again after what she did. THAT, isn't right."

"Mani..." Ally began

"No Ally, what Camila did wasn't just some 'mistake', you brush off. She-"

Both were interrupted by a loud honking. They looked over as Dinah stuck her face out of the window, "Are y'all conversation about your bible verses over yet? I'm hungry so hurry up, let's go!"

Normani softly sighed before looking at Ally and signaling the car, "come on."


•Lauren's POV•

Camila made her way to where I was in the living room. Looking at me skeptically as I looked through our range of movies. She was probably cautious that I was about to break out yelling at her or something. But I paid no attention as I grabbed the Harry Potter movie.

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