Chapter 8

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"Camila...?" I called out with fear laced in my voice. Whatever that thing was, it diffidently was not human. I backed up cautiously, looking around trying to spot anything. What the hell was that? I couldn't see anything and to my poor luck, the morning skies had dimmed as it looked as if it was going to rain.

"Shit." I cussed. I looked around once more before jogging foreword to see if I can catch up with Camila.

After about 10 minutes of walking I blew out a breath. Damn she is fast. How the hell did she manage to get ahead of me so quickly? Out of a sudden I heard a twig crack behind me and I spun around so fast to come face to face with the same thing that had attacked me the night with my car. It was almost dark out but I could still identify it. My heart rate was out of control. I was finally able to really look at it this time and it was not a cute animal to see.

It was so big, it scared me. It looked like a wolf but it was too damn big to make me actually believe it was simply one.

It slowly but surely crept out and the closer it came to me the more teeth I could see. I kept backing up and praying that anything would come to help me. I then slowly turned and started running. I know that was a stupid thing to do but I was scared out of my mind and had no idea of what else to do. I began yelling for help but it was useless. I was too far from the school at this point and it was dark.

"Please someone help me!" I cried out. I could feel and hear it behind me and every time I turned back it was closer and closer. My body started to ache and soon came to halt. I turned around just as I saw it leap and just like the night of my car, something came out in lighting speed and knocked it into a tree. I was breathing heavily as I saw the two things fight each other. I didn't know if I was hallucinating but the thing that had leaped on to the wolf was too fast for my eyes to see.

Every time they moved it was a blur. They kept fighting until finally the wolf had fallen and the one who was fast as lightning, grabbed it's head and snapped it.

I stood there shaking in fear. Finally I was able to see that it was a person. But not just anyone. I almost immediately recognized the oversized sweater as they stood above the wolf with their hoodie up.

"C-Camila?" I managed to get out. I was so close to crying but I was in too much shock and fear to let them flow. Finally she lifted her head and I saw those red hungry eyes again. I gasped as I had seen my nightmare once again. Maybe I'm dreaming. I must be.

"You idiot!" She roared. I flinched back as I hit a tree. Her voice was low and loud as it echoed through the woods. She jumped off the giant wolf with ace and walked half way toward me before stopping. She was breathing heavily out of anger.

"What?" I chocked out quietly. Honestly afraid.

"You could've gotten yourself killed! Don't you ever think?" She yelled, scolding me. I whimpered and slid down the tree. I was trembling in fear still and Camila yelling at me with her red eyes burning through me, wasn't making it easier.

I heard her sigh before dashing off. I looked up and saw that she was no longer there.

"Camila? Camila where did you go?!" I yelled after her. I had no idea where I was in these big woods and it was already almost pitch dark out. I began crying as I sat down and hugged my knees just as it started raining. A couple of minutes later I felt a hesitant hand barely touch my arm. I gasped in fear and flinched back. I quickly calmed down when I saw it was Camila. She still had her hoodie up but her eyes were no longer red. They were that beautiful color of brown again.

"Let's get you home." She whispered and handed me a hoodie. I took it immediately and put it on. It smelled like a sweet vanilla and shampoo. I soon realized it was Camila's hoodie and it was her scent. It calmed me as I hugged it around me tighter.

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