Chapter 14

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"Fuck Camila please stay awake!" I panicked as I looked over to her to see her eyes slowly fluttering close.

I sped to my house as fast as I could. My hands were starting to sweat as my nerves built up. What will I do? It's not like I know how to cure somebody. Let alone a vampire. Wasn't like I could take her to the hospital either.

As soon as I pulled up in my driveway I scrambled out my car and quickly went to the passenger side to get Camila. It was difficult to say the least. She was basically passed out already and I had to carry her body inside.

I didn't know she would be as heavy as she was considering how incredibly small she is. Or maybe I'm just super weak.

I carried her, with more difficulty, to my living room and carefully laid her down on my couch. She started groaning in pain.

"Fuck, Camila what do I do?" I asked panicking as I paced back and forth.

"" She pointed with her bloody finger towards the house phone. I was confused but I didn't ask questions and handed it to her. Very weakly she dialed a number and shakily pulled it to her ear.

"I need you...," she rasped tiredly. "Please come...." She very inaudibly said as the phone sled out of her hand and onto the floor as her eyes completely shut.


"No no no, Camila come on wake up." I gently patted her face. She was still breathing thank god but she was even more colder than usual which was literal freezing. My body got chills just by being by her. "What do I do?! Come on Lauren think!" I scolded myself as I yanked my hair in frustration.

All of a sudden I heard a loud thump hit the roof. I jumped a little before looking up to see what the hell it was. I heard it move before it stopped. Not two seconds after, I heard another loud thump land on the porch.

"What the hell?"

I slowly and cautiously moved toward the door. I immediately jumped again when a hard knock was placed at the door.

A dark raspy voice followed soon, "Open the door!" It's voice boomed urgently.

"Who are you?!" I called back hesitantly.

"Unless you want Camila to die open the fucking door!" It rang even louder.

I gasped as my body filled with chills as his voice was scary. I immediately ran to the door and opened it. There stood a very good looking tall guy with floppy brown hair. He had a hard look on his face as his hands were clenched by his sides. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green but his skin was pale as snow and I immediately recognized he was also a vampire.

"Well hurry up and let me in." He demanded. I could hear a British accent now that he wasn't yelling.

"Um-come in." I moved to the side and an in instant he was in the living room. I closed the door and followed.

"Damn it Camila I told you not to fight alone." I heard him sigh softly. She was in a Fight?

He turned to me and I immediately felt scared and small. He had a very Intimidating look.

"Lauren, come here." He ordered. I was hesitant and creeped out on how he knew my name. "Hurry up! We don't have time!" He snapped. I quickly went to him as I was scared beyond life.

"I need you to hold on to her," he instructed as he pointed at her arm. I nodded and went to put my hand in hers. "No! Don't grab her hand, do you want a broken hand?" He snapped at me like I was stupid. I was confused and shaking. I was already scared for Camila now I had this guy who was scary as shit yelling at me.

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