I just had to jinx it

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I totally can predict the future. I say good day and then. Boom boom pow, it's a good day. The 10 minutes of Muggle Studies went by really fast. Me and Ron still wanted to go to the Black Lake, but Ron needs his food. Since he just needed his food I went to the Black Lake and he went to grab some foo and then he'd come back to meet up with me. I was on my way out to the Black lake when I bumped into Nievelle. "Oh hey Nev, I haven't seen you in forever" I exclaimed. He is such a sweet guy, but Merlin is he a nervous wreck half the time. "O-oh hey Y/N, h-how are you?", see what I mean nervous wreck. "I'm quite well today Nev! Thanks for asking, I need to be on my way, but we should study together soon" He agreed then I continued on my way to the Black Lake. I got to the Black Lake and sat down on the grass that wasn't wet from the cold water. I always hear Dumbledore talking about how we should put green glitter in it for Saint Patty's day. He would have to get an ok from the merefolk, and I really don't think they would be up for the idea. Ron came running up to me yelling. He reached me and then just sat down all calm like. "Why in Merlins word did you just come running and yelling like a maniac and then become as calm as McGonagall?" he laughed and said I looked like I needed 'hyping' up. Whatever in Merlins naame that means. I think he heard it from his Mr.Weasley not going to lie. "Alright I want to go to the library after hours to hang out in our secret hideout", alright so Hogwarts has many sevret passage ways and rooms. So many I don't even think Dumbledore knows where all of them are and he knows everything ever I swear. Anyway back to the topic at hand Ron and I found the perfect spot it's a hidden room by one of the book shelves in the back. We usually go after curfew because it just feels more cool. Ron and I have also decorated it with things from our world and the muggles. Like we have these things called fairy lights Ron found a spell that can keep them lit since we don't have elctricity here. "Yeah of course Ron, we havem't done that in way too long" He nodded like an excited 3 year old. He began to eat what he snuck out of the Great Hall. We talked about what we wanted to do in our hideout. We decided we would just read and maybe play a few games, lunch was about to end and I still had Severus on my mind. I only have one more class before 4th hour. It was going to take such a long time to pass though. I then realized that my next hour was Professor Lupins class. Oh dear. Ron got up and stood above me and held out his hand for me to take.I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up, he told me about the essay we have to write for Muggle Studies. We could either write about a thing called a Vinyl record player or a Telephone. I didn't think it was going to take me too long to write and I can always write Mr.Weasley and ask for some help. We got to class and went to sit down. I was actually excited for class I heard from another student that we are learning about Inferius. Lupin began his lesson as he walked down his spiraled staircase. "Now Inferi are known as corpses, dead bodies that have been bewitched to do a Dark Wizard's bidding. Not to worry Inferi have not been seen since He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was last powerful.", he assured the class. He told us to get out some parchment and our quills so we can take a few notes. We all groaned and he tutted us. "Now now I can't bring one here and frankly you don't want me to but we must learn about these, so please just coppurate with me." Most of us nodded and some just mummbled, but we all got our things out. "Now in 1899, it is thought that the Dark Wizard, Gellert Grindelwald. sought to create an army of Inferi and believed that the Reserection Stone could grant him such powers. It is currently unknown as to whether he succeeded, though his conception of the stone's abilities was in fact incorrect, as it brings back souls from the realm of the dead as more-than-ghost but less-than-alive state, not as a living body...." I began to space out. I knew this was important and it may be on my N.E.W.T.S but his voice was so soothing. Class went on with him talking about how the Inferi had an impact on the Wizarding War and their nature as well as the defence against the Inferi. I did slightly tune into that part a little more. Lupin mentioned that because Inferi were creatres of the dark, they disliked light and heat, the most effective spell against them was a fire-summoning spell, such as Firestorm. Before I knew it though the class was packing up. I began to pack up but Lupin called me up to his desk. I walked over to him and asked what he needed me for, "I noticed you were a little out of it would you like to stay after to take some additonal notes?" he politley asked me. I shook my head "No thank you I would like to go see Se-Snape, thank you though Sir.", he looked at me a bit weird. I have no idea what was going through his head, but his eyes got darker and he looked a little upset. "Alright then go see Snape." he then dissmissed me. I did not mean to make him upset, I just didn't want to take more than the note I already had written down. Class ended and I half ran to Severus's class. Ron was definitley confused, but I will explain to him later I was to help Snape with his 4 hour. I burst through the door out of breath. "Sorry- I just- just ran all- all the way here." I apologized while still wheezing. I heard a chuckle and looked up at Severus and narrowed my eyes. As soon as I had gotten my breathing patterns back to normal I asked what year Severus had for 4th hour. "Those insufferable  Fourth Years." I laughed at how much he really hated all fourth years more than any other year. "They make my life harder they seem to know less than the clueless first years." I looked at him softly and explained that they can't be that clueless. "What are they doing today you have like 3 seconds to tell me now" I laughed. "Today we will be teaching about the Herbicicide Potion.", I actually still remebered that one quite well from my fourth year so I nodded. Fisrt years burst through the door and I leaned against the wall in the back of the class and waited for Severus to settle them down.  He got them settled down faster than any other Professor I know could. "Today I have an assistant and she will be here for the rest of the year, her name is Y/N. Give her your respect or I will give you a months detention cleaning the floors of mine and any other Professors floor without magic.", I pushed myself off the wall and went to stand in the front as well. I waved they all looked terrified. Severus continued with his lesson with me sitting in the corner helping students with questions. "We wil be learning about Herbicide Potion today. It is a poisonous potion that kills or damages plants. It has a repulsing taste and is not fit for human consumption, meaning none of you dunder heads shall drink the potion as you make it today. Now the recipe for this potion can be found in Magical Drafts and Potions, so hopefully you were all listening when I told you to bring your textbook last class and do NOT let one drop of find its way to the Greenhouse. Watch closely.". Every student got out their cauldrons and their textbooks. Not 3 minutes later a boy with the lightest blue eyes I have ever seen raised his hands with a dazed look. I walked over, "Yes?" I asked him. "I'm not sure what to do after this it was drawn on in my textbook.", he explained. I asked him the last thing he had done and he told me he had crushed the lionfish spines into a rough powder using a pestle. I nodded "Alright you will want to add 2 measurements of Standard Ingredient to the Mortar." he nodded and thanked me and went right back to his cauldron. I heard a girl near the back saying how this was too easy and showng off saying how proud Snape was going to be so I went over. I noticed her already starting the second part, but to do that you have to wait up to an hour depending on your cauldron. "You do know you have just ruined this potion. You have not waited the required amount now if you would have thouroughly read your brewing instructions instead of bragging you would have known that.", she huffed and re-started. I get why Severus doesn't like his students sometimes. I walked around the class for the first little while until Severus got up as well letting me know I can go sit down. I did so gladly. Some of the students were about to start their second part and many hands were going up confused on the waiting time. Severus came up to me "I have to help this insufferable girl she has messed up entirley-"I looked at who he was talking about and it was the same girl I had just told off. "-Would you instruct these dunderheads on the waiting time of this simple potion they seem to not be able to graple in their small minds." you could tell he was getting annoyed. I nodded my head and went up to his podium. "Alright class listen, you will be able to clearly tell when the time is up, but for those of you who can not the most you can wait is an hour, the least amount of time to wait is 45 minutes." Some students nodded some immidatley began their second part. I noticed the first year girl staring at Severus in a way I did not appreciate. I went up to them "Hello Severus would you like me to take over?" I asked using his first name and smiling. He sighed and nodded he walked away as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Now now where did you happen to get and where do we have to restart?" she rolled her eyes I just stayed smiling. She began to give me alot of attitude "Well I'm waiting since I have done everything correctly, me and Sever-" I stopped her "Professor Snape Miss, he is your Professor not your friend." she just scoffed and Severus happened to walk by. "Miss.Richards detention for the rest of the this month till the 12th of next you are excused.", he walked away. She smiled, I know what was going through her head, but she forgets she is just a 4th year nothing will happen. She smirked at me before walking out.

1967 words
Published: January 16th 2022

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