The things I've said

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A/N: Hello, if you read this, I want you to let me know if you want different endings or not, please, and thanks.

              Severus Snape’s POV
She turned around and left. I didn’t know what was happening to her, but I felt the need to follow her.

If something was happening, then I needed to know. She is a student. Just a student. Right?

I knew I probably shouldn't have followed her, but I did, as soon as I turned the corner to see if she was still there. There she was with that weasley boy, he had his hands around her waist and she was crying, it made me mad that I wasn’t the one with her, but sad knowing she felt so sad.

Soon enough, Ron whispered in her ear, and she started to laugh. That beautiful laugh it was sweet like candy. No one could come close to having such a perfect laugh. I walked away. I knew when it was my time to leave, and now it was.

                     Y/N POV
Ron had told me an inside joke we had, and I couldn’t help myself. I started to laugh. I forgot all about before.

Soon though, it was dinner, and Dumbledore had a special announcement.

"There shall be a singing competition next week this is for fun and it is also works as some sort of reward for what happene last year with that being said just show up on Saturday at dinner and you have entered you must be prepared, now let's eat". What YES me and Ron, along with Fed and George, have always wanted them to do a talent show, we think we have great talent. So we all looked at each other. we know what we were doing on Saturday, and we all got up and ran to Ron's dorm to start practicing.

                   ~*Time Skip*~
It was Saturday I was sitting with Ron, Fred, and George waiting for our name to be called we were last only two more acts and were up, I was nervous I don't really like lots of people looking at me yet giving me their attention. I have a bit of stage fright, you could say. Time went by way too fast, but I knew we were ready, so I got up. Fred was ready, and Ron and George gave me the ready, so we started.

I tapped my foot as the music started
I was ready and I knew it then I had to get started.

Ask me why my heart's inside my throat

I've never been in love. I've been alone
feel like I've been living life asleep

Love so strong it makes me feel so weak

I looked behind me at Ron, and he nodded at me as to say I was doing great. I felt myself let go and just sing as if it was just us.

Are you lonely (Are you lonely)
Our fingers danced as they met
You seem so lonely
I'll be the only dream you seek.
So if you're lonley no need to show me if your lonley come be lonley with me lonley (Are you lonley)
Passion is passing as we speak
You seem so lonely (Are you lonely)
You're the ground my feet won't reach 
So if you're lonely darling, you're glowing. If you're lonley come be lonely with me.

Soon enough, every nervous thought I had been thinking had flooded its way out of my mind. The music consumed me. I began to spin around and laugh while singing. It was much more fun when you remember that you sing to have fun.

Underneath the pale moonlight
Dreaming of a circus life
Carousels and farris heights
I'll be yours if you'll be mine
Cause I'm lonley I'm so lonley
If you hold me, I'll be you're only

Are you lonely (Are you lonely)
Our fingers danced as they met
You seem so lonely
I'll be the only dream you seek
So if you're lonley no need to show me
If you're lonley come be lonely with me.

And just like that, as soon as it started, it ended, and I was out of breathe Everyone started clapping. I couldn't help but laugh and smile. Now, though, it's time for feedback, and if we're being honest, I completely forgot Professor Snape was even here crap. I didn’t even realize he was a judge.

              Severus Snape’s POV
Her "band" went up, and I was surprised she generally kept to herself, and now she's gonna perform in front of all these people.

I was excited to see, the music started and she tapped her foot then she started singing, and what can I say it was beautiful.

Just as her voice had an angelic soft sound to it. When she sang, it wasn't as soft, but still just as angelic.

Halfway through, Y/N looked back and gave Fred a nod, and he shook his head at her chuckling. She grabbed the microphone and started jumping up and down while spinning in circles it was really truly a sight. One I never wanted to end.

But that's wrong. After all, she is a student.

Just a student.

Words: 869


Published: no clue

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor Lupin Where stories live. Discover now