First Day Back

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*Your POV*
Im sitting in my compartment with my best friends, Lily Redmond and Draco Malfoy. Lily and Draco are talking about how dreadfully long their summers were. Atleast they went home, I went to my dad's, yes technically it's where I live, but it's no home to me or anyone, my father Y/F/N L/N is terrible he is physically and mentally abusive making me afraid and move away or freak out when someone touches me sometimes I don't always freak out but fast movements scare me. Not a lot of people know, but that's for the better. The more people that know, the more people think I'm weak.

I am pulled out of thought by Draco, saying, "Y/N! How was your summer?".

"It was okay, I guess, just boring," I expressed with little emotion. He looked at me for a second and looked away, I wondered what he was thinking when he was looking at me. I know he has had a crush on me since the first year, and I always told him he was like my brother, but he still tries to ask me out every now and then. I looked out the window and dozed off.

After what felt like a minute, Draco shook me awake, that freaked me out, but I wasn't about to show it or he would know. I was freaked out but not too bad after realizing who it was, just Draco. He told me that we had made it. So I got up, got my stuff and got off the train, before Draco or Lily, I was walking up to the front and saw Professor Snape, seeing him made my hear flutter by just seeing him. He looked at me, and I stopped. I've always had a sort of infatuation with him.

I think I always will.

Then, I felt someone's arms around my waist. I immediately knew who it was, it was Ron, it didn't freak me out I knew who this was and he would never hurt me, I trust him with my life, he had every ounce of all hope I have left in men mainly.

Him and I have a fun friendship, although a lot of people think we're dating, which is understandable, we have a friendship that is so strong that it makes it seem like we are together.

So as soon as he did that I turned and hugged him, he picked me up and I laughed, then I looked back to Professor Snape when Ron put me down, he was looking at Ron like he does before he hits his head.

Then we got to the doors and I was on Ron's right he stopped looked at me and said "Okay listen I think this year is gonna be awsome especially because we won the war last year". I looked at him and nodded, we walked past Professor Snape and went inside. We went to the Great Hall. Me and Ron met up with Lily, Draco had gone to find Crabbe and Goyle. So me, Lily and Ron sat down at the gryfindor table (even if you're not a Gryfindore)

Then, slightly after the first years, all crowded in to get sorted into their houses. Which took for absolutely ever. Dumbledore gave his speech I was hearing for the 6th time in a row now. Really, he should come up with some new material. It's getting a bit repetitive at this point, bestie.

Then food appeared on the table. It wasn't even 5 seconds, and Ron was already stuffing his face with food and had lots of food on his plate as well. It looked like there was more food on his face than his plate, though. I got some turkey and ate that it was good, but there wasn't a need for it in my brain. I felt no need for food.

I finished first, so I got out my muggle book Fabel Haven vol.3. It has been my favorite book since I was a child.

I looked up right before reading, and I looked and saw Dumbledore talking to Professor McGonagall. I could swear they were dating if I didn't think he was gay.

And her.

I mean, come on, you aren't as exentric as that man and totally hetero. Next to him was Professor Snape, who was talking to another professor before looking towards me. Most likely feeling my stare on the back of his head.

I looked into his dark, mysterious, onyx eyes, I felt my heart fasten its rhythm and my breath hitch, my cheeks got hot, and my knees were weak. How could he do that by just looking into my eyes.

The only person who should have that effect is your mother after you just did the worst of the worst. Then Ron asked if I was okay I broke my stare from Professor Snape's glare, I felt my vision go blurry I looked at the now blurry version of Ron and shook my head considering I knew no words would come out of my mouth.

I felt him help me off the table and get me out of the Great Hall, we were walking down the hall to my common rooms so I could lay down. That's when we both heard a low husky voice. When I heard it, I knew it was Professor Snape.

"Mr.Weasley, I will take it from here, go back to the Great Hall." I felt Ron's touch vanish. I felt like I was going to collapse to the floor, but then I felt a strong arm around my waist. It was Professor Snape he was holding me up, once he saw the condition I was in he knew he had to take me to Madame Pomfry, but then I felt my eyes go behind my head and everything went dark.

I woke up in the infirmary. I freaked out a little, not knowing what happened, but then I felt Draco's hand on mine that calmed me down. He then told me what happened, and I was shocked.

All I could remember was Snape holding me up, so I didn't fall into the hard concrete floor. Which I was very grateful for. I remember feeling like a rock sitting on my chest and flames on my face.

Words: 1066
Edited: Sun, Mar 12th

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor Lupin Where stories live. Discover now