A Different Perspective

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Severus Snape POV

I can't sleep or concentrate on anything except for what happened between me and y/n. I was constantly in a bad mood.

The day after everything happened, I went to see Lupin to see if, for some reason, she would have been there.

No matter how much I hate it, they're close, so I hoped he knew where she was.

He told me he hadn't seen her, so I went on my way. I went to try and grade the first year essays. It only frustrated me more. Those incompetent children know nothing.

I decided to go talk to Minerva and have some tea. Hoping that there was a possibility I could get y/n off my mind.

It did not work at all.

She's all I can think about.

Lily is but only a memory compared to y/n.

It took losing and pushing Y/n away to realize that she was the only one all along. She was the one who loved me.

I walked back into my quarters and sat down on my bed. I took off my shoes and lied down. I felt as though my bed was, but a prison used to trap me in the memory of who I wish to be here.

I got up to go to the lavatory, and a crash could be heard. I obviously ran to where I heard the crash to find a cup. Maybe I left it a bit too close to the edge.

I went back to the bathroom and splashed my face with the coldest water I could get my water to go to.

Would it fix anything? No, it would not. Would it clear my mind? Yes, it would.

The next morning, I had taken to walking around the corridors and had come upon the most beautiful sight.

Y/n had been lying in a tree. She looked so serene and magical. Although she was out of bed and could have been hurt.

I woke her up. Reluctantly.

I had given her a remark about how she still has to follow rules even if she does not believe so.

"I'm sorry, sir. I was talking to a professor late and came to clear my mind, and the tree had been so comforting." Which Professor would she be out with so late. Which Professor would she be with that she'd need to calm her mind.

She simply told me it was none of my business. And if it were, I would have been told prior. This made me enraged. She was deliberately avoiding my question.

If she was going to antagonize me, I was going to irritate her as well.

"So it was Lupin? Was it darling?" I began to walk forward as she walked cautiously backwards.

What if it was Remus Snape? You don't own me. We aren't together, you can't control who I decide I get to spend my free time with!"

This pushed me right to the edge she was on increasingly thin ice. One wrong move, and it was over.

I took one further step forward, pushing her against a wall pushing my hand into her waist.
I asked her intensely what she was doing with fucking Lupin.

"We decided to get more acquainted, sir, just like me and you, unless you forgot."

That was it. The shove over the edge, the plunge into the cold deep water beneath. I moved my grip from waist to wrist.

"Show me how well acquainted. Now!"

And then she ran, twisting herself from my grip. I went after her. She was the one that pushed.

Words: 605


Published: Sat, Apr 1st

I hope you liked the different POV I wanted to change it a bit, sorry it's late I just got off work.

Love-Your Author (Alex)

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor Lupin Where stories live. Discover now