I knew it would be Richards

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Walking out of his classroom I felt much better than when I had entered and made my way to the great hall.

Once I entered the Great Hall I scanned my eyes past the hall to see where Ron and the others were. I found a tuft of red hair and walked over. “Hey Ron, hey guys. How are you all doing?” I asked them as I sat down. Harry looked up from his plate and smiled. Hermione said that she was good and was trying to study. Ron looked to the side smiling but was piling up on food. I started to put some food on my plate. The conversation was scarce mostly because Hermione was studying and Ron was piling food up. So mainly it was just me and Harry talking. I had already finished, but I was just staying to hang out. Me and Harry began talking about Transfiguration. We have this new project where we have to study and present how non-verbal magic works and the advantages and disadvantages of it. Everyone was put into pairs and HArry and I were paired together. So we were trying to figure out a schedule where we could study at the library together. We decided that Friday in our free time would work. I felt like someone was staring at me so I looked to the teacher's table. I saw Dumbledore smiling while making small talk with Professor Flitwick. I always liked Flitwick. Looking farther down the table I noticed Sev staring at me. I smiled and he gave me a ghost of a smile. He somewhat motioned to the door and since I was done I nodded my head. “Well Harry I’ll see you later, make sure that you study some before Friday as well, I will too.” I gave him a smile and hugged Ron before getting up. I made sure to wave to Hermione when she looked up from her book. I walked my way out of the hall. I waited somewhat by the door, I was kind of just standing by a window opening. After just a moment someone placed their hand on my shoulder so I turned around to be met by the tall figure I’ve come to enjoy so much. “Hello Professor, should we go discuss lesson plans for tomorrow?” I suggested, I know it’s risky to be out in the open so I made an excuse. “Obvious suggestion L/N” he drew out. I knew he was maintaining his ‘mean’ professor image so I wasn’t too taken back by his annoyed response. He began walking towards the dungeon. I had to speed walk slightly to catch up to him and his dramatic self. I am so sure I love this man, but Jesus Christ is he a drama queen. I was trying not to laugh from the banter going on inside my own thoughts. 

Once we had gotten to his classroom and he had shut the door he let down his guard once again. “Darling, I have something I want to discuss with you.” hearing that one sentence made my stomach churn, hearing the darling at the beginning made it a little better though. “Oh no what happened?” have my fears already transpired. Did he notice someone older and more mature than me, did he realize that I was just a naive teenager.. He let out a sigh before beginning. “It’s about Miss.Richards-” 3 words into that sentence and I knew this wasn’t going to be good. From the name of one person I have had one encounter, I knew that nothing good was going to happen after this conversation. “-She seems to have taken a liking to me, one where she seems to think I like her too. I know this would be an insane amount to ask, but I have talked to Dumbledore and no other professors are available to do detentions with her for an entire month, could you? I’m sorry for asking darling, but she seems to have made a scenario in her head that she has seduced me, she even uses Professor as if it will do something to me.” I knew that he would not ask me to do it unless it was truly his only option. I had class when her detentions were to be held though. “What about my cl-” Sev interrupted my question. “It seems as though you don’t even need to be taking that class, Love, you do know that after 5th year you do not need to take Astronomy correct?” I nodded my head. I did know that, but I enjoyed that class so much. I have been in love with the stars and the moon and the infinities that lie beyond them since before I can remember. “Right after her detentions you can still go to the class, if you would like” I considered that he really needed me here. From examining his face when he spoke of detention with her I could tell he feels truly uncomfortable and grossed out by Richards. As much as I would miss Astronomy I had to take this on for him. Plus I can watch as she has to scrub and clean everything without magic. “I will do it for you MI Amor, but know you owe me!” I stated somewhat joking, but somewhat serious as well. So this means every day for the next 29 days after 4th hour. “Thank you so much my love, I most absolutely owe you.” he hugged me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. Hugging Sev was much different than Remus. The scent and the feelings that flow their way through my head. The way he holds me, it’s completely, utterly, and truly intoxicating. His embrace could leave me calm and exhilarated for the rest of the day. When he got that subject out of the way he went and sat down behind his desk and he told me that it would be best if I go study for my Nonverbal spell project. I looked at him confused. I didn't tell him that. “Me and Minerva talk My Dove.” an ‘oh’ escaped from my lips. I didn’t want to leave him yet though. If it were up to me I wouldn’t leave at all. “Can I please stay? I can study from here, I know you have so many books!” he gave me a disciplined look. He shook his head explaining to me that he might not have books on Nonverbal spells. I really wanted to stay with him though. “Please, baby?” I drew out the baby while over pronouncing it. He straightened up even more than he was. Which I thought was impossible. HE took in a deep breath, I could see him clench his jaw and close his eyes. I don’t know about that name, I don’t know why it does what it does but I like being able to get this reaction out of him. “Oh sorry I meant Professor.” that may not do anything for Richards, but it will for me. He took another deep breath and slowly got up from his chair. “Be very cautious with your next words Love, I’m going to say it again. It is best for you to go study.” you know it’s always fun to see how far I can push him. He is always so disciplined and under control with his emotions it’s interesting to see how far I can push him until that breaks. “I mean if you insist baby, crap sorry did it again Professor.” I then turned on my heel, but was very quickly turned right back around. “What did I say, did I not say to be cautious?” I was smirking slightly. It was hard not too in these circumstances. He was holding onto my wrist almost towering over me. In the time that he had turned me around and now he had also positioned his other hand to be on the small of my back. He was slightly holding me closer than I was before. “Oh did you, I guess I spaced, sorry” I very un-sincerely apologized. He clenched his jaw once again, I could see his eyes getting darker and darker, which you would think is impossible. He already has the most mesmerizing dark eyes. At this point looking into his eyes felt like looking into a never ending abyss of calming obscurity. He leaned down, “You really should learn to listen to me. Now go.” I looked at him confused. I really thought he was going to crack, his eyes got so dark and sinful. His breathing was heavy the full 10 miles. Yet he still tells me to go study. Wow, I really can’t take the discipline out of this man. “Fine Mi Amor fine” I huffed and got on my tippy toes to give him a kiss and genuinely leave this time. I need to remember to come back before curfew and see if I can come around after curfew. I have gotten pretty good at avoiding Filch anyway with Ron being my best friend and spending so much time with Fred and George I learned their ways. I made my way to the library with my mind drifting back to the moments just prior of going to the library that I enjoyed so much.

Wed, June 15, 2022
Chapter 18:Unedited
1562 Words

Omg could it be possible another update in the same month lmao. Anyway hopefully you all liked this chapter, I'm building up drama and angst. For real though thank you all so much for 40.1K motherfucking reads, this was supposed to be a joke, but thank you all for reading it.

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