The Other Woman

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I decided to write a letter to.....

Severus Snape, I wanted to spend time with him. I felt bad and I missed him. I wanted to just hang out with him and talk. I wanna learn more about him and get Remus out of my head. I know Severus can help me with that when I'm with him he is the only person in this wide world. I started writing on a parchment I hadn't written notes on yet.

Severus, I would like to come and spend some time with you. Maybe we can learn more about each other as well. I miss you and would like to just be with you for a moment. I finished taking notes on non-verbal spells, so could I please come down?

Love, Y/N

He was in the building so I knew he could respond within 15 minutes, I sent the letter with my owl and waited. I continued to try and take notes. I wasn't very successful. I spent a whole 15 minutes trying to write one sentence. It wasn't difficult either. After what felt like 15 HOURS I heard tiny noises from my window. It sounded like little grains of sand tapping on my window. I instantly got up and practically ran to my window. I pushed back the curtain and I opened the window. The moment I pushed open the window and in flew an owl and as quickly as it flew in it left. I hadn't even gotten the chance to give the poor thing a treat. I went and sat back down at my desk and grabbed the letter which was set on my desk. Quite neatly for how fast that owl went.

Y/N, Of course my darling. There is never a moment where you will not be welcomed by my arms if you wish to spend time with me. If you would like to come down you should be safe to make your way down to my classroom.

Love, Severus

I put the letter in my pillowcase so that no one could find it. After hiding the letter I rushed out the door. There were people in the common room, but I had my path set and no one was going to distract me. I just wanted my Severus. I needed him to cloud my mind if not for only a moment of his time. He was like a drug. I continued on my path to the dungeons not allowing myself to get distracted by anyone or anything. Although there is a slight problem with my path to the dungeons. Of course there are many ways to get to the dungeons. With how big the castle is there are many separate ways to almost every room here. The path I usually take is to see Blaise at DADA before I make my way to Potions. That being said, the whole reason to see Sev is so that I stop thinking about Remus. Which is why I chose the wrong path tonight.

 I tried to get past Remus's room as fast as I possibly could.  I walked past the door to his classroom and I felt as though I had gotten away perfectly avoiding Remus. That is until I heard his door open so I put my head down and walked faster. "Y/N!" oh shit. I walked a little faster. I heard him call my name again and his footsteps speeding up behind me. I stopped knowing he was just going to follow me if I hadn't. God damn it. He is the only person I'm trying to get away from right now. "Hey, what happened early, you just disappeared. Are you okay?" He placed a hand on my shoulder. I felt that spark again the spark that I've only ever felt with one other person. I quickly moved my body away from him. "Listen I'm fine, I need to go." I need to detach myself. And it needs to be now that it happens. "Y/N I'm sorry for whatever I've done, bu-" I stopped him. I needed to get myself out of this situation. "Professor I said I need to go." I turned around and walked away. It was weird saying Professor, but I mean it when I need to detach myself. 

 I couldn't have gotten to Sev's classroom faster. When I did I knocked lightly and walked in. I didn't want to wait for him to let me in, so I just walked in. I saw him sitting at his desk doing some work. He looked up at the noise of his door opening. "Hello Darling" I smiled hearing his voice. Everything melted away, anything that was worrying me or stuck in my head had just gone away. He got up from his chair and walked towards me. He opened his arms allowing me to walk into him. He wrapped his arm around me when I hugged him. I clung onto him as if he would be taken from me in moments. I didn't want to let go, but after a moment or two he grabbed my arms and pulled me back slightly. "Are you alright, you aren't usually like this, not that I don't like it." I couldn't tell him. He would hate me. He would leave me and never talk to me again. I can't let that happen, he is my everything. He is the air in my lungs and the blood in my veins. "It has just been a stressful day my love." He smiled at me. Taking my hand he lead me to his chamber and sat me down on his couch. I'm in love with his chamber, you can tell that it is his. 

Unexpected Affection Professor Snape x Reader X Professor Lupin Where stories live. Discover now