Chapter 15: Total Offensive (Phase 2)

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Central Calendar Year 1639, 17th of July

Afternoon, 14,000 Yards from the demolished Laurian Camp, Southern Front

Two dozen tanks, and over 50 accompanying armoured fighting vehicles currently en route to eliminate and capture any surviving personnels of the enemy camp.

"This team 3 of the forward recon group, We've got visual of hostiles... a bunch of them regrouping and forming ranks---Visual count a little over a thousand over"

"Loud and clear team 3, This is resilient 1 anything suspicious on them?"

"Negative, But some of them are sprinting along the way in here...What's the next order shall we issue a surrender recommendation? Over"

"Any approaching elements are to eliminate then after observe the enemies reaction and wait for further instructions. Team 3 do you copy?"


Then after, several gunshots echoed throughout the quite grasslands. Hearing those Colonel Thein sighs, subsequently ordered his forces to accelerate into grassy plains "All units hit the accelerators real hard we need get in there as fast as possible do you hear me?" Each tanks and armoured vehicles platoon commanders responded, all heavy looking iron silhouettes from front and behind at once rushed to the devastated camp, demonstrating their full capabilities in flat ground they all the way accelerated to over 50 kilometers per hour into the gathering laurian Infantry at astonishing pace in the common sense of this world---even faster than ordinary horse (32 to 48 kph)

Mere minutes later, they've got a better visual without the help of binoculars, which exhibit and ushering to their very own eyes the leftover marks of destruction caused by rockets even it was still a kilometer away--- mangled and disfigured humans, obvious ruination of equipments and facilities to the point it wasn't longer unidentifiable and a bunch of Laurian infantries who still abhor some determination to fight albeit it was obviously that they are very demoralized due to sudden attack. Upon, catching up to the recon group who finished dispatching brigands few moments ago. Colonel Thein begun giving orders to his unit "All units check the surrounding for any possible flanking and surprise attacks by the enemies"

"Sir could we now give a surrender recommendation?" His adjutant begun asking for further instructions

"Hmmm? ... That's rejected" The adjutant blinking in surprise "Are you perhaps planning to wipe them out sir?"

"Of course not, the enemies seems aren't right now in the mood of surrendering at any given moment. That's what I could say" While scratching his neck then snapped it. "All right---we'll implement something like shot now talk later policy so let's get going"

Grabbing his radio and ordered "All Units we'll begin the clean up operations---Thoroughly eliminate anyone who still have some will to fight but Pay no heed to the injured, surenderee and fleeing enemies. Disregarding this order will result to everyone who is disobedient be shall sent to court martial forthwith so ... all units advance! "

Tanks and armoured vehicles rolled out. Sensing the rapid developments in the movements of ASEAN forces, the Laurians braced themselves trying to repel the invading armed group with a bunch of disorganized ragtags that luckily survive the unidentified surprise attacks that cause so much damage to their camps. They begun forming some battle lines even though it looked like very crude---it is was unthinkable for them as the strongest country in Rodenius in such unrefined and rough formation. Somehow the surviving Laurian royal army commanders managed to get the muddled army to form ranks and ordered them to advance while attempting to boost their fragile morale saying 'We can do it!' but every soldiers knows they will likely get slaughtered sooner or later anyway due to some rumors that ASEAN forces enslaved and mercilessly killed their laurian breathen who've attacked the border town Gim and breakaway group of traitor former General Junfila, the soldiers rather want to die here fighting than be enslaved by the heinous enemies.

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