Chapter 84: War Never Change

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June 28, 1641

Six months after the beginning of the Annonrial landing at the second civilization, the death toll exceeded what would normally be expected in a seven-month conflict. This was a hellish scenario that far surpassed the Muish civil war of decades ago and even rivaled the Gra Valkan war of domination in Yggdra, albeit with a stark technological disparity that Mu and Gra Valkan tried to bridge while simultaneously fighting against each other and the technologically advanced Annonrial forces.

Numerous cities and towns lay in ruins, reduced to burning remnants of their former selves. A significant portion of Leifor suffered extensive and widespread destruction. The conflict escalated with relentless clashes between Muish and Gra Valkan reinforcements — smashing like tidal waves against each other, with the threat of Annonrial still linger around, creating a bitter three-way war devoid of allies and no respite. This full-blown war unfolded on a continental scale, resulting in hundreds of ships from both Gra Valkan and Muish forces being scattered and sunk at the unforgiving depths of the Muish Western Sea.

Even the supposedly superior Annonrial naval forces were not spared, as they fell victim to relentless mass naval and air attacks launched by Gra Valkans and Muish retaliatory strikes. Furthermore, the sea became a treacherous expanse filled with unrestricted mining operations, turning it into a dangerous hellhole of explosive mines that claimed countless naval vessels, including those of the Annonrial forces, lost forever in the depths of the Sea of Abyss.

The loss of life in this naval and land conflict was staggering, with casualties ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions, as the second civilization became a tragic testament to the brutality of war.
Western Frontline, Ardent Region

In the once-vast, forested expanses of the Ardent frontier, a region that was once teeming with life and comparable to the Amazon rainforest, the devastating three-way war has transformed it into a desolate no man's land. The once-thriving environment, filled with lush lands and abundant biodiversity, now bears the scars of destruction. The loss of these natural lands would later be recorded as a significant blow for environmentalists in Muish land.

Amidst this bleak landscape, the rumbling noise of engines reverberates through the air, breaking the silence. Several Muish armored vehicles, accompanied by infantry forces, cautiously traverse the terrain. The soldiers, whether mounted on the vehicle hulls or dismounted, cautiously scan the surroundings, vigilant for any signs of the enemy's presence.

"Keep your eyes peeled, men," the commander's voice crackles through the radio. "We can't afford to let our guard down and have chicken wings blowing our asses here!"

Another soldier, perched on top of an armored vehicle, adjusts the binoculars and scans the horizon. "No sign of hostiles so far," he reports.

They also have several scouts positioned ahead, cautiously scouring the surroundings to provide vital heads-up for the armored vehicles in case of hostiles up ahead. The Muish armored vehicles are relatively underpowered and lack impressive maneuverability on uneven terrain. With their limited open top, turretless design and defensive capabilities, they are better suited for defensive combat and frontal assaults. Engaging in direct, chaotic armored warfare with the Gra Valkans and Annonrial tank forces would result in utter destruction and disappointing outcomes.

Nonetheless, the Gra Valkan tank forces are scarce due to constant losses against the Annonrial forces and their focus on protecting what little semblance of imperial power and civilization they still hold within the devastated lands of Leifor. As a result, there have been no significant battles between the Muish and Gra Valkan armored forces. Instead, isolated incidents occur where Gra Valkan battalions stumble upon Muish armored units or scouting platoons, or when Muish infantry encounters Gra Valkan scout armored cars.

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