Chapter 55: End of Crossroads

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Nastav, Empire of Parpaldia

On the horizon, several dozens of Southeast Asian tanks and armored vehicles are rumbling and overrunning any obstacles in sight. With several helicopters flying overhead and drones overseeing the entire operation, In their wake, they leave a thickened cloud of dust, signalling their imminent arrival.

The rebel forces under Remille tried to negotiate a couple of times, which were later shut down and ignored by ASEAN. Instead, they are politely asked to back off or hand over Remille and her cohorts to SEADF peacefully. Nevertheless, there are some inevitable encounters that lead to the annihilation of rebel forces, like what is currently happening.


In a single command, a series of explosions and fires appear and reverberate in the open plain. The hastily dug up defenses by the rebels were being pounded by artillery and attack helicopters mercilessly.

In the midst of the chaotic and pointless struggle of rebel forces, above them, 3 Southeast Asian Su-22s performed mid-air flybys and dropped incendiary and regular dumb bombs on the trenches, raining destruction on the demoralized rebel forces. This is the first baptismal fire of rebels from the full-scale combined arms tactics of ASEAN. Their trenches were designed to mitigate low-powered artillery shells and regular fragmentation attacks. Putting some trust in these designs led to the misconception that they could shelter themselves from the firepower of ASEAN. They never knew, it just sped up their doom. If the imperial army led by Arde knew there was a large Southeast Asian army attacking like this, even with elaborate trench defenses, he wouldn't think twice about ordering a full withdrawal, as tanking this scale of attack is basically impossible and too costly.

As the panicking and crumbling rebel forces tried to eliminate the fire that is barely dying off with the use of water magic or by clearing debris and burrowing their comrades that have been buried down to earth. In their trenches, the armored beasts of ASEAN were already a kilometer away from their defensive lines.

Several surviving rebel officers stood up and ordered the artillerymen to attack, "Artillerymen! Open fire! "



With a rhythmic sounds, the remaining muzzle loading cannons of rebels came to life, letting their projectiles weave through the air, drawing parabolic flight, landing in the expected course of enemy forces, and dozens of thunderous explosions appeared on the armored column of ASEAN. Some of them directly hit armored vehicles and tanks, causing them to burst into smoke and sparks of fire, causing the rebels to cheer for a brief moment. The next thing they knew, it was a horrified expression because it wasn't what they'd expected; the majority of them bounced off unharmed on the vehicles or exploded and only caused minor damage to the vehicles

What they've saw, akin to explosion of vehicles, was only illusion of high explosive shells that exploded in the hull of tanks and armored vehicles upon contact.

"Next volley! Loa——."


The officer who was attempting to continue the bombardment got hit by a 76mm in the dead center of his mass. pulverizing him into pieces, the subordinates nearby screamed in fear and began running.

Without an officer to follow, with other surviving rebel force officers began to run for their lives. The artillerymen began deserting their cannons and conducted an unorganized withdrawal, turning their very vulnerable backs to ASEAN forces.

Fortunately, the ASEAN didn't pursue them, as they continued to advance towards the city where Remille is currently staying. The battle lasted for 20 minutes, killing over 300 rebels, and the trenches were overrun without being captured by ASEAN, as they don't have the luxury of doing so. Thus, later, the wounded that had been left behind to be either starved to death, succumbed due to their wounds, robbed by their supposed surviving comrades, or corpses being scavenged by wild animals, as none of the imperial army or rebel forces tried to check the remnants of those positions, in fear of being attacked by ASEAN.

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