Chapter 17: Intermission of a Great Empire in another world

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Central calendar year 1639 of September

Gra Valkas Empire (also know as Eight Empire) Intelligence Bureau

A room inlaid with a number of bulky looking radio receivers. Each of electronic devices breedle non-stop, a place that could be considered as antiquated room of obsolescence equipment.

"Your Excellency, we already sum up the information with the update coming from our local informant in the past 2 months after the end of the war in rodenius" reported by a man wearing a black suit.


"Yes sir! It's been reported earlier that the ASEAN--A country of unkown origin intervened in the conflict of the continent of rodenius emerge victorious whom didn't give the Laurians a chance to even inflict a single casualty on their side. The Laurian royal family have been chuck out and the country was occupied by ASEAN Sir."

It's been 2 months since the defeat of Laurians. Initially, The intelligence bureau of Gra Valkas Empire didn't chew over it as a worthy of attention because it was just a fight between barbarians that yet to invent primitive gun powder weaponry but they gradually felt a sense of urgency after a report came that the ASEAN deployed aircraft carriers and heavy cruiser class ships in service during the conflict. Thus, the intelligence bureau embarked in a thorough investigation and sniff anything as much as possible from this new country that garnered their attention.

"Yes Continue"

"My apologies Your Excellency. We did gathered any available but in due time because of sho--"

"Enough... I know so continue" He was cut off by the person called Your Excellency. This personage is the Emperor Gra Luke of the Gra Valkas Empire. He knows very well on how hard to gather verified and useful information in an unknown lands in a short span of time.

"Yes, Your Excellency. Our operatives manage to sniff a very important data; which the ASEAN it seems have over two million uniformed personnels, 300 navy surface combatants and more than a thousand combat aircraft. Additionally, we also confirmed that the ASEAN fielding tanks in large numbers during their occupation of lauria so we figured it out that this country's armed forces was a highly mechanized force"

"Heh?... Interesting that's more than enough so to speak" The face of the Emperor begun to look serious "So first in foremost how powerful their navy ships?" The people of Gra Valkas Empire considered Navy as the most important branch of the military followed by the Army and Because of this there's always rivalry between the two factions on who's better.

"Your Excellency, the country of ASEAN publicize that they have 2 aircraft carriers, 24 cruisers, 80 destroyers and over 200 Frigate and gunboats. They didn't disclosed the overall numbers of their navy but in calculations if we include the miscellaneous ships it will numbered around 400 to 500 ships which a decent number actually but the individual ship abilities is rather... Should I say pitiful? Their navy is nothing but a paper tiger"

Piqued his curiosity Gra Luke cut in and questioned "Paper tiger?"

"Yes, Your Excellency. Their navy is not worth mentioning compared to our Glorious Imperial Navy. Their ships only mounting 80 to 150 mm class cannons not to include that it's either there's only one or two of this in every individual ships. When we tried to confirm this due to confusing influx of uncertain data's coming in the bureau. The answer we've got in the informants cemented the reason why they only deploying one or two of this cannons to their equipped ships"

"And what it is?" Then in bewilderment he asked

"The residents of this world is unfamiliar with this but our operatives manage to hear out those words they utterly said is 'Fleet in being' so we concluded that they employing it in their tactical doctrines, a very well known tactics to us where's it was the main doctrine of the Kane kingdom due to their inferiority towards ours. The reason is simple they don't need heavy artilleries mounted in their ships as they are probably designed their ships and trained their crews to fight destroyer and cruiser class ships under the heels of home turf advantage"

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