Chapter 35: Various Perspectives

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ASEAN Forward Command Base, Kingdom of Altaras

On the repurposed Muish built-Altaran Airport which supported the backbone of ASEAN air superiority on the southern Philades.

Four CASA C-212 Aviocar lined up in the runaway. They are here to fetch the Parpaldian high ranking officials towards rodenius, hopping to Lauria and Qua-Toyne, with some stops in the mainland before landing in the Cat Bi International Airport. Also, some C-130 and C-295 are here to pickup and deliver, the remains of 29 service men died in the battle together with the 90 wounded, to their respective nations.

The airport is quite busy today as several sortie order have been authorized on the very same day. The Parpaldian's are launching small to medium scale counter offensive against ASEAN positions in attempt to liberate their captured capital. It's futile, even the marines stationed there alone could hold them off, However, the most annoying things that parpaldian done is the inaccurate long range bombardment with the use of Milishial made cannons on the city.

There's already some casualties on the Esthirant, mostly civilians who got unluckily killed by their very own Imperial army. On the side of ASEAN, there's at least a dozen who got wounded, nevertheless, most of them immediately returned in service after getting their first aid from light bruises they got from hostile fire.

With the effective use of counter battery fire, drone strikes, and airstrikes from multirole fighters, many of Milishial made cannons, together with their gunners, was sent to oblivion. Additionally, the satellites of ASEAN have began to be use in limited fashion for this conflict.

Back on the Altaras airport, several cars and buses arrived on the airport. One of them are carrying the captured 3rd foreign department head, Kyeos.

He gazed upon a dozens of aircrafts and helicopters lining up neat at the runways and temporary hangers, some are gigantic transport on the airstrips and fairly small attack trainers of reserve light attack wing of ASEAN resting on the hangers, also the most eyes catching to him is the jets firing up their engines upon take off.

"What in the world we just antagonized?." He exclaimed.

It's too abnormal, those war machines even overshadowed the Muish biplanes he saw in Otaheight during the birth of a new Muish Princess 3 years ago.

"Okay people line up properly!."

The ASEAN soldiers commanded them with high pitch voice, they aren't shouting but they could convey their words loud and clear, they lined up upon orders.

"Okay folks, let's start with the 1st department officials please step in once I called your names."

The soldier gently said so, they aren't rough nor harsh in commanding the captured Parpaldian officials which who thought first that the ASEAN forces are brute to the point some of the ladies in their side tried to commit suicide, due to the misconception that the ASEAN soldiers will assualt them.

They are bewildered by their behavior, there's no prejudice of being a hostile captured citizens of the country who are in war with them, which made them think as if no war happened. Little they know, the ASEAN just adhering the Geneva convention from earth which Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. A concept that they yet to know, nor experience.

"Next is.... Kyeos? 3rd department head. Please go on the third aircraft."

After getting called upon, Kyeos followed the command and rode the aircraft. The captured Parpaldian officials are segregated by rankings or birth because some of them are essentially connected on some influencial noble family back on the empire.

Inside the aircraft, Kyeos saw some Imperial big shots who looking humiliated being captured by ASEAN. Many of them tried to escape but got cornered and still captured.

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