Chapter 83: Cards Out

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Doryala-Heckams Defensive Line

Deemed as the final defense of Mu against the Gra Valkans blitz, situated 600 kilometers away from Arou, 480 away from now destroyed Keelski, the Doryala-Heckams defensive line stretched over 400 kilometers. It was fortified with over 2,000 kilometer long trench lines, featuring two redundant defensive lines and one final defense line, along with rear support lines. The defensive positions were equipped with thousands of guns, ranging from small 20-millimeter artillery to the largest 12-inch cannons. The defense was manned by over 140,000 conscripts, militias, and regular soldiers from the Muish army.

The defensive line also included several strategically located airfields, which housed the remaining half of the Southern Air Force Command aircrafts. The number of aircraft was less than 230, only around 50 of them were modern Supermarin, with the majority consisting of transport planes and old biplane fighters.

However, the shortfalls would soon come to an end as the first wave of Muish reinforcements began to arrive via train. Approximately four divisions' worth of freshly raised troops were arriving, bolstering the defense of Doryala-Heckams. Furthermore, there were two divisions from the western army of Mu on their way, comprising some of the best-equipped forces the Muish army had to offer. These reinforcements were originally raised in anticipation of future conflicts with more powerful countries from the west, such as the Holy Milishial Empire.
Muish Central Railway System

Rounding up the armored trains as they approached, Major Karsly of the 52nd Muish Cavalry Regiment eagerly awaited the arrival of the new, unknown division from the western army. "Major," one of his men asked, "what type of division is incoming? Infantry?"

"Most likely," replied Karsly. Considering that there were only four Muish classifications of divisions, the most common and widespread was the infantry division. The next would be the artillery division, followed by the mobile, cavalry division. The last one, the recently organized rapid reaction division, was primarily stationed in their capital region and there had been no news of its deployment. Since the division arriving did not belong to the capital region, it was highly probable that it was an infantry-based division from western army.

"It seems unusually long for a convoy," remarked the subordinate as he read the information. "A 2-kilometer long convoy with 140 freight cars, and not one, but 3 coming in today," he stated, expressing his surprise at the extensive formation. "Is this even standard formation for a division?" he wondered aloud, bewildered by its length.

"And surprisingly, they are providing ample protection," said Karsly, observing the presence of numerous heavy anti-aircraft artillery installations scattered throughout the area. The surroundings had been restricted to civilians, with several squadrons of Supermarin fighters flying in formation above. Over 2,000 men had been deployed to protect and escort the incoming division.

Comparing this level of protection to the arrival of two battalions from nearby bases the previous day, Karsly and his men couldn't help but find it excessive. They had only had a dozen cavalry troops to pick up and guide them, making the current situation seem like overkill and a waste of fuel, time, and resources. Such thoughts crossed their minds as they observed the elaborate arrangements.

Then, the ground began to rumble slightly as the sound of horns resounded, accompanied by thick black plumes of smoke appearing on the horizon. "Okay, boys, the package is here. Prepare to accommodate," ordered Karsly as he mounted his trusty horse. "You and you, follow me!" he shouted, spurring his horse into a gallop, his men following closely behind.

Hrrrrn! hrrrrn!

Hrrrrn! hrrrrn!

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