Chapter 80: UDEA Charter

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ASEAN Secretariat

With the unexpected departure of the Eimorian envoys, the atmosphere in the hall turned tumultuous, sending shockwaves throughout the gathering. The ASEAN's decision to drive off a representative from a superpower created a stir that left everyone on edge. The fear of a potential flashpoint that could escalate into a full-scale war lingered in the air, causing panic and uncertainty among the attendees.

While many believed, mostly friendly countries of ASEAN or it's close allies like Mu, that Eimor would likely face significant challenges in a potential war, there's a catch, the Millicent Treaty of 1240 added another layer of complexity to the already precarious situation.  This treaty, forged between Eimor and then-United Kingdom of Milisea, one of the core nations of the Federated States of Millicent and it's successor state, the Holy Milishial Empire, established a binding agreement with other nations of the first civilization. The treaty stipulated that any attack or act of war against a party from the first civilization would be deemed an assault on the entire first civilization itself, thus invoking a mutual defense pact.

This mutual defense pact adds another layer of complexity to an already precarious situation. It elevates the stakes and extends the potential consequences of any aggression against Eimor. The treaty signifies a commitment among the nations of the first civilization to come to each other's aid in times of conflict, highlighting the strong bonds and shared interests that exist within this alliance.

The Millicent Treaty of 1240 draws parallels to historical formations such as the German Empire with Prussia, where a united front was established to ensure collective security and deter potential aggressors. In the case of the first civilization, this mutual defense pact serves as a deterrent against acts of aggression and reinforces the unity and strength of the allied nations.

With this treaty in place, any nation contemplating an attack on Eimor would not only face the military might and resilience of Eimor itself but also potentially trigger a broader conflict involving the entire first civilization. The consequences of such an escalation would be far-reaching and could significantly alter the balance of power and stability in the region.

As a result, the Millicent Treaty of 1240 adds a significant strategic consideration to the assessment of the situation. It highlights the interconnectedness of nations within the first civilization and underscores the potential implications of any hostile action taken against a member state. The treaty acts as a deterrent and reinforces the collective security and defense posture of the first civilization, thereby shaping the dynamics and decision-making of all parties involved.

The recent incident involving the Eimorian envoys had become the catalyst for a potential escalation of armed conflict among the first civilization countries. In this tense atmosphere, the Central Law Kingdom stood out as a unique entity, distinguished by its seclusion and distinctiveness. Nestled amidst towering mountains, the kingdom had remained shielded from the direct influences and conflicts that had engulfed its neighboring nations during the First Civilization Hundred Years Continental War.

The rugged terrain and geographical isolation had created a natural barrier, fostering a sense of detachment from the outside world. This seclusion had allowed the Central Law Kingdom to develop its own internal systems and governing principles, deeply rooted in its rich history and cultural heritage. The kingdom's laws and customs were revered, serving as the bedrock of its national identity.

While neighboring countries in the first civilization grappled with the ravages of war, the Central Law Kingdom remained relatively unscathed. The protective embrace of the encircling mountains safeguarded the kingdom from invasions and preserved the integrity of its land. Consequently, the kingdom's infrastructure and natural resources remained intact, providing a solid foundation for its society and stability amidst the chaos.

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