Chapter 32: Appalling

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Parpaldian coastal areas near at Esthirant, East Imperial Army Defense Sector

Approximately half an hour before the operation began, over a dozen of Parpaldian soldiers began to move some large boxes, one of them are Paie, a technical officer. They currently moving provisions and supply on a temporary depot as they waited for another set of orders to be given on them.

"Phew.... It's hot." One of her colleagues said, as heat struck at all time high, 25 Celsius in Esthirant.

"Yeah, I'm all sweaty." They are originally from the capital defense base which just been annihilated by ASEAN attack group at a night raid conducted in February, last month. So, by the orders of the Parpaldian Imperial Army General and Supreme Commander. They are been disseminated on various places to mitigate the damage brought by ASEAN forces via scattering of precious manpower so forcing the ASEAN to use more resources in order to vanquish the parpaldian forces and secondly is to buy some time, because the more enemies they needed to destroy thus the more time they waste just to eliminate parpaldian pocket resistances.

"The ASEAN should be coming a week from now right?." Someone ask, they didn't know that ASEAN already began it's offensive on parpaldia however none of them knows about it other than the parpaldian high ranking officials and people who are in charge of those areas.

"It would be a hell again?" The atmosphere of the place suddenly tilt on a gloomy mood. Many of the people here are struck with PTSD due to shell shock experience, some sailors who got traumatic experience after their fleet sunked by ASEAN forces, some survivors of the bombing and surgical air raids conducted by ASEAN militaries which accounted to some dozens perhaps hundreds of Parpaldian's (whether civilians or soldiers) to commit suicide.

"Don't worry we have weapons made by the strongest country in the world! Now we stand a chance against ASEAN!." Then they looked on Ixion 25mm anti air magic light guns and 57mm mobile Infantry support magic light gun which provided by Milishial as anti-air and ground weapons against ASEAN forces. These so-called wonder weapons of Milishial is currently the bulk of arsenals that considered as Trump card against their powerful enemy--The ASEAN.

"Is that so?...." Some still aren't convinced by it, as some still trembling on the horrors given by ASEAN on them.

"Hmmp! I guarantee the efficiency of our magic light cannons on destroying some emerging barbarians or maybe..... you people thinks that the weapons made by Milishial are aren't reliable?." Realizing someone jumps in their conversation, they jolted up to respond .

"Of course not! Captain saur!." They crisply salutes the elven person which don on a fancy blue uniform.

"Good! That's what I wanted to hear." As if he is proud of his country's creations. However some of the Parpaldian's know who they are. They are from fallen nobilities in Milishial, whom wanted to return back on the aristocratic circles by taking some achievements here in the war on Philades by supporting the Parpaldian's against the ASEAN and depending on their performance they might be reinstate immediately with a bonus such as a one rank promotion.

"Oh, Paie..." Then he stared on Paie with disgusting look " I would like you to check something on my office an hour from now." Which send chills on the spine of parpaldian technical officer "I have something to do captain so I would like to decline."

"Oh? Can't you reschedule that? It's only takes a little bit of time, you know." The Milishial in front of Paie was a maniacal pervert who wanted to screw around. Much like him, many of the fallen nobles sent here are rotten to the core. Thus they are the very ideal people to be sent in Philades because the Milishial could dispose some scums on their society and the same time bleed the ASEAN to some extent.

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