Chapter 25: Conflagrations

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Midnight at Altaran Airport, Kingdom of Altaras

The night was illuminated by the runway lights as a guide for the departure of the modified bombers of ASEAN. Each one of them are fully loaded with bombs in the modular hards points, unfortunately the intended bomb dispenser systems that should be attached at the cargo bay that could additionally load 50% more bombs for the mission didn't make it in time as they are still in the prototype process.

Currently, there's 20 converted commercial aircrafts in the runways and one by one take off to give the cocksure parpaldian's some realization that they picked a wrong country to fight.

Certain dungeon outside Imperial palace, Imperial capital Esthirant

A group of men are running at the jet black world, accompanied by something inorganic things that flying above them.

They are the infiltration units of ASEAN that been tasked originally to protect the Envoys In case something wrong happened. However, fortunately that didn't happened so they are been relegated for Information gathering like other units for a brief while. The current objectives of the unit are to save the captives from the hands of Parpaldia Empire.

For a few minutes of sprinting at the intended target in, could be see in view. From the information of some former citizens of this city that been punished to be in custody of dungeon for a while seems there's only a handful of guards that been stationed at the gates of the dungeon.

The reason why the parpaldia only deploying a dozen or so guards there because they are the so-called superpower of third civilization, they always thinking that no one is superior to them that would dare to entered in the heart of the most powerful empire in the Philades.

The parpaldian's are getting conceited by their status on the dangerous level to point some thinks that they could take down the Holy Milishial Empire and Mu as they made peace with their neighbors, for the parpaldian's this move was a sign of weakness. For them being called as lower power compared to these countries is quite insulting. Thus exploiting this stupidity the operatives chances of success increased on this rescue operation.

It was already pass midnight, so many of guards that already pitiful in number are either sleeping or dozing at their post so the perimeter are wide open nearly defenseless. Any professional soldiers or guards could say it was a clear sign of neglect of duty.

"Go go go..."

In low voice everyone are running towards the main gate after the drones confirmed that the guards are sleeping.

A suppressed popping in low noise lightly echoed.

The guards in the post permanently put down to sleep by the operatives without them knowing a thing.

Then one of them open the gate and rushed to the dungeon. While moving to saved their compatriots, they stopped after spotting some civilians and not soldiers. A maid who cleaning the clothes of the guards here are can be seen gathering the mess and the another one fetching for water.

One of the officers signaled his subordinates to go at the blind spot of the maid and strucked her--falling unconscious then after, waited the another one to put also in sleep. After succeeding to silence any possible variables they continue to traversing in the old looking buildings like those on the movies.

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