Chapter 42: Enormity of War (2)

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Irnetian Zov Region

Somewhere in the forest in the Zov region, located in the middle of the mountainous region between Doiva and Kilculus.

Dozens of winged lizards are being fed with meat and grains. They are called wyverns, an omnivorous type of flying reptile in the new world. Their makeshift nest is covered with a camouflaged net donated by Muish naval infantry.

"We've successfully demolished three bridges leading to Kilculus and shut off access to other key cities in the heart of Irnetia."

It's been two days since the destruction of Kilculus. Hundreds of Irnetian royal army personnel have already surrendered to the combined Gra Valkan Imperial Army and Navy force that landed in Doiva. However, the Wyvern Knight Order of Irnetia remained nearly intact and only lost about ten wyverns in accidents, surrenders, or were unfortunately spotted by Gra Valkan aircraft in a designated no-fly zone above Kilculus or Doiva airspace and got shot down.

The relatively intact state of knight order and the destruction of Kilculus gave resolve to the remaining generals of Irnetia to disobey the last command of the former king to surrender to Gra Valkas once he died in battle, or in the unexpected firebombing of the Gra Valkan Imperial Air Service with their Guti Maun long-range heavy bombers on Kilculus, which leads to the death of their king.

Thus, the regenade wyvern knights of Irnetia hoped to inflict as much damage as they could on the detested invaders. They're also trying to delay the Gra Valkan attempts to conquer the country with all they've got, whether it's destroying bridges to slow them down, launching guerilla warfare tactics to bleed them out, blasting their supply lines, or anything else as long as it could kill a Gra Valkan soldier.

"According to our forward watchmen, at least a force consisting of 30 tanks is heading towards the forested areas. It was probably a force recon unit by the Gra Valkans, and according to our advisors, we should not confront them if possible, unless it was impossible to conceal our forces here in Zov."

The messenger finally completed his report on General Malt, the commanding General of the Wyvern Knight Order of Irnetia.

The advisors of the Irnetian meant by messenger are the Muish of Irnetian descent, who decided to fight side by side with the Irnetian forces against the Gra Valkas Empire. Some of them are former soldiers from the Muish Royal Armed Forces or people who just wanted to fight for the country. They are also well supplied with the Muish intelligence agency's knowledge, which is mostly hauled from Southeast Asian textbooks about Imperial Japanese Army doctrines and weapons, exclusive privilege provided by ASEAN to Mu. Because the Gra Valkas Empire's arsenal and doctrines are essentially identical to the Imperial Japan during World War 2.

"Continue to monitor those forces and remind our forces hold and avoid any confrontation with the Gra Valkans."

"Yes sir!."

The messenger left the room as General Malt left behind with his aide.

"Our preparation?."

"All set in ground war. In addition, the Wyvern Knight Order has provided us with 80 wyverns. Additionally, we also managed to procure 21 private racing wyverns. Giving us a 3-digit force for our retaliation against the Gra Valkas Empire, General Malt."

101 wyverns against the complement of 4 fleet carriers of the Gra Valkan Invision Force berth offshore of Doiva, is a pitiful number. There's no hope of fighting each carrier capable of delivering a 70-attack aircraft force in a single wave, much less against four fleet carriers with a combined estimated complement of 350 aircraft, excluding the spare parts or incomplete airframes that could be assembled in case a mission necessitates it. That doesn't count the 5 light and a sole fleet carrier underway by the order of Caesar with battleships as escorts to secure the northeastern coast of Irnetia in case of Muish intervention.

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