Chapter 1

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I sighed as I walked down the stairs with my bag swung over my shoulder.

"Oh my god, there she is, oh honey are you nervous, scared?" That would be my mom. Today I was starting a new school here in Miami, Florida. I used to live in Tampa which isn't much of a difference.

I breathed out once more, "No mom I'm fine, thanks." To be honest, I was a little nervous. I mean who wouldn't be? The only time I remember enjoying moving and going to a different school was when I was still in elementary. Where you could like someone's shirt and become best friends the very same day. Not high school.

"I'm sorry honey I'm just worried, you know me." She chuckled while she grabbed my shoulders, giving them a light squeeze. I put my hands over them.

"I'm fine mom, honestly." I smiled and gently took her hands off to turn to my dad. He unlike my mother was non emotional. Sure he cried when I first rode my bike on my own or when I told him I had a crush on a boy at school in 2nd grade but mostly he was tough. He gave me a tight hug and kissed my forehead.

"Good luck kiddo. Be sure to drive safe." I nodded and kissed my mom on the cheek quickly before heading out. My black hair was automatically swooped by the air and into my face. I sighed and placed it behind my ear as I headed to my nice black mustang.

"Hellooooo baby." I cooed at my car. I ran my hand on the lid of the car as I walked to the drivers seat. I placed my bag in the back as I got in a turned the beauty on. It roared to life and a smirk tugged on my lips. Hellz yea.

The drive to school was pretty exhausting itself as traffic was horrible. Who knew Miami could have such traffic when most people walk or ride their bicycle or scooters. I ran a hand through my hair as the heat and beeping noise became such a headache.

Finally I arrived to the school and I was actually relieved to be here instead of in that mess. I got out getting my bag and a little nervously walked up the steps to school. I felt a lot of people eyes on me as I continued onto to office. I heard some wolf whistles which Ignored. Guys thinking they have a chance with me. I scoffed and chuckled at that thought. Oh, if they only knew.

I entered and a old looking woman sat typing on her computer. "Excuse me, miss?" I interrupted politely. She looked up and smiled.

"Oh sorry deary, was busy typing the announcements, anything you need?" She nicely asked, I was a bet token back as the secretary at my old school were mean and rude to everyone for no reason.

"Uh, yes actually. I'm new here and I'm not sure where I'm suppose to report to and stuff." I answered back in the same polite tone. I always am respectful but only to those who do it back.

"Oh of course of course. Your Lauren, right? Yea we don't get much new students here surprisingly." She chuckled and got up to look in the cabinets. "Here we go! Lauren Ja-." She paused as she seemed to hesitate to pronounce my name. Of course.

"Jauregui." I finished for her. She blushed embarrassed.

"Right, I'm sorry. I'm just not good at pronouncing names in general." I doubt it but I let it go. "Anyways, here's your folder with your schedule and everything you need." She handed it to me as she picked up the office phone.

"Thanks." I opened it up to see all my classes in one pocket and the other held my I.D and other information about the school.

"Ah yes, please send miss Brooke down, we have a new student who will need a tour." I looked up gratefully and went back to looking at all the classes I had. Me being a smart kid I didn't have to take all the core classes I was suppose to take. Instead I got electives of my choice to fill them in.

She's Not Normal (Camren)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora