IV: Dark Days

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Time passed and things only got better. William and Toph had their seven children as their kingdom grew. Almost every night, they had intercourse, showing how close they were to one another. "Starting their own nation" went way beyond simply having children. Toph began training all earthbenders in Scotland, while William trained the nonbenders in the art of warfare.


It was sunset on a cold winter's day. Everyone was inside huddled near a fire. William was sitting on the couch, while Toph was lying on the other end. He was messaging her feet, which was a special privilege. Since they were what she used to sense where she was going, she never let anyone else touch them. But he was her husband, so he had earned it.

Sitting with Toph on the other end was Lin, who was 8 at the time. She was tightly hugging her.

"Mama, I'm cold.", she said.

"Lin, you must embrace the cold. You must never fight it. You'll thank me later. And you won't be alone for things like that. Mama will be with you every step of the way."


Just then, Morrison came in. "Sir?"

"Yes?", said William.

"There's some men from Republic City out front."

"Send them in."

The men entered, as William told Lin to go to bed.

"King William?"


"Can we speak with the both of you in private?"


The men were members of the Republic City Council. Their new city had a series of violent attacks and were in desperate need of a head of law enforcement. Their first and only consideration was Toph. They did the best they could to convince her of what might happen in the future. For some reason, she seemed extra fearful of what might happen to the city's earthbenders. They gave her a little time to think about it and left.

Just by seeing the expression on her face, William knew she was considering it.

"What business do they have?", he said.


"They come into MY city and MY castle and demand the world."

"I'm gonna do it."


"If this is YOUR city and YOUR castle, I guess I should leave."

"Don't act that way. I don't like it when you act that way."

"In all seriousness, I think those people need me. I can't let my people get killed all because I refuse to help them."

"YOUR people?"

"The earthbenders."

"All benders live in Republic City."

"Earthbenders are disproportionately targeted"

"By firebenders."

"Yes. Basically, the Hundred Year War never ended."

"We're always at war with somebody. Gilak, Fire Nation loyalists, the Harmony Restoration Movement. The war was never meant to end. It was meant to be continuous. And I want no part of it."

"Well I'm willing to fight it. No matter how long it takes."

"Then leave!"

"I will!"


"FINE! But if you think I'm going alone, you're wrong!"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm taking the girls with me!"

"FINE! Then the boys are staying here!"





Toph stormed out and spent the night somewhere else. In only a matter of minutes, her marriage to William had fallen apart.


"All packed?", William asked in a bad mode.

"Yeah", Toph said.

"I guess this is goodbye."

"...I guess so"

Lin, who was 8, and Suyin, who was 1, would go with Toph. Lin didn't want to leave. As they left the castle, she ran back to William crying.

"Daddy I don't want to leave you! Let me stay!", she said as she hugged him.

"Lin. Lin, my wee darling. Listen to me. Don't be upset. Ok? Don't be upset. I will see you again. I will. Do you believe me?"

Lin hesitantly nodded her head before William hugged her.

"You are my daughter, Lin. Remember that I'll always love you. Remember that."

"I love you too, daddy."

He hugged her one last time before they departed. It would be the longest time ever before he saw her again. Suyin would've been upset too, but she was only 1 and was too young to remember. It was also the last time the boys would see their sisters...for now.

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