XXVII: Never Leave A Scotsman Behind

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It was noon and William was in his cell, praying for to God for the strength to get through what was about to happen. He was then taken out into the palace's square for the execution.

Unbeknownst to him, the Gaang had also snuck in the MacKay children and the rest of the Clan in an attempt to foil the execution and help him escape. They individually set up posts all over the square.

William was taken into the square, tied to a wooden cart with a post in the middle. People in the crowd threw food at him. After being taken off the cart, he put on a giant wood stage. Their the head magistrate said, "Now the awful price of treason!"

The crowd then yelled before the magistrate continued, "Beg for the king's mercy now, and you will have it."

William was silent.

"The rope!", the magistrate yelled.

The crowd yelled. A rope was then put around William's neck. It was tightened before being raised up high. William was dragged up with the rope and was effectively being hanged.

While this happened, both Sokka and Longshot of the Freedom Fighters, who were in different areas of the square, grabbed a bow and put an arrow in it. They pulled back, preparing to shoot the arrows at the rope and cut it. Before they released, William was brought back down, so they disarmed.

When William once again refused to swear allegiance and be shown mercy, the magistrate said, "Rack him!" A rope was then tied around his legs and both of his arms and he was pulled up and stretched from both directions. He refused to submit again, so they brought him back down.

Sokka, seeing Longshot, grabbed his bow and arrows and ran to another area in the square. He and most of the others were in the back of the crowd, so they weren't noticed. Anyone who was left was hidden among the crowd.

William was then put on a top of a cross platform. At this point, the crowd was no longer entertained, but now stunned. Most people that had been publicly executed hadn't tried so hard to refuse to submit to torture.

The magistrate said, "It can all end now. Just say it. Mercy."

William decided once and for all to never submit. He refused one last time. The magistrate then ordered the executioner, who was carrying a giant axe, to behead him.

As the executioner raised the axe into the air, Longshot rearmed his bow with an arrow. At the exact second the executioner began to throw down the axe towards William's neck, he released on the bow. The arrow flew towards the executioner, hitting him in the head, killing him.

From another spot in the square, Sokka fired an arrow at the magistrate, which also killed him. Now, the Clan's presence had been alerted. When the rest of the them jumped out and attacked the square's guards, the citizens ran out of the square.

Longshanks, who had been watching the execution from a higher point, immediately left, fearing the city might be in the middle of being sacked. After the Clan subdued most of guards, William was untied from the platform and they left the square. The Clan spent the rest of the day slowly sneaking out of London.

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