XXI: Winter Passing

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After York, Longshanks decided to face William himself. Wherever the next battle would take place, he would be there.

As a way to match the Scots' newfound strength, the English sent thousands troops to the Ferguson and Douglas provinces. For the next several weeks, both sides would remain at a stalemate.

Oddly enough, the Irish, who had been bribed into an alliance with Longshanks, had landed in Scotland weeks earlier, but never left the MacNeil province.

Though Scotland had requested an alliance with them, the Welsh had still not responded. They did not give an official statement, but rumors had spread that they would join the Earth King in remaining neutral.


Clan Avatar and the Scots settled along the border of the Wallace and Douglas provinces to prevent the large English forces from breaking back into Clan Wallace. Members of Clan Douglas had snuck across the province to join the rest of the Scots in what would likely be another battle.

Clan Avatar was in a tent. They were talking about their recent advancements.

"If we retake Falkirk, then Clan Wallace can ease back and let their troops disperse.", Sokka said.

"We should still just consider acting as a blockade for the Wallaces.", Aang said.

"Sure. Because the 'strictly defense' strategy has definitely worked this entire war."

"Are you being sarcastic?!"

"I'm just being honest."

"Stop, the both of you.", Katara said. "I should've known not to keep my husband and my brother in the same place too long. Men always act on their immediate instincts. It's all that testosterone buildup."

"Well do you have any better suggestions?", Sokka asked.

"I don't think there are this time.", William said.

"So what do we do?"

"The English will not give up. They will not retreat without another counterattack. We got lucky at York, but we can't risk doing something like that again."

"Then we need more fighters.", Toph said.

"Yeah. What about Zuko?", Aang asked. "Ever since York, I don't believe I've seen a single Fire Nation troop. They all left after we abandoned the city."

"Zuko should know where we are. If he hasn't contacted us, he must be planning something big. When we step foot on the battlefield tomorrow, all we can do is hope and pray that he'll be there."

"What about the Water Tribe?", Katara asked.

"The Northern Water Tribe can't risk sending in too many troops. Our alliance is still secretive. If word got out, England would sail north and do everything they could to conquer them."

"What about Scottish reinforcements?", Toph asked.

"Mornay and Lochlan have gotten their men ready. They'll meet us tomorrow at Falkirk."

Just then Bastien came in and said, "We're ready. Tomorrow we'll carry the fallen men off and give them their proper burials."

"Good. I just hope we can win tomorrow. It'll make your job easier.", William said.

"We'll be fine with our jobs either way." He then left.

"Alright. Let's disband for the night. If we want to have the required strength tomorrow, we must get some shut eye."

Everyone then went to bed, individually preparing for the next day's battle.

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