XII: A Blessing In Dark Times

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After sunrise the next morning, the boy, who was named Christian, arrived in Edinburgh. When the guards saw how he looked and he asked to see William, they immediately took him into the castle.

William, the Gaang, and the MacKay children minus Stephen were in the foreign affairs room with advisors discussing future options.

"Now that the Earth King has declined his support, what shall we do, father?", William Jr asked.

William pointed to a map and started, "So the northern forces have recently taken the MacDougell province. Now we're still waiting for Stephen to come back hopefully with Irish forces. We sent a request to the Welsh a couple weeks ago, but they haven't responded. Now if we-"

Suddenly, Morrison entered. "Sir-", he started.

"Can this wait, Morrison?"

"No, it can't. You need to hear what the boy here has to say."

Morrison then brought Christian in and everyone gasped. He was covered in blood.

"Alright. Leave us, Morrison."

After he was cleaned up, Christian sat down and told everyone what had happened. Their faces completely melted the more he went on. After he finished, they gave him food and water and a place to stay in the castle while a new argument broke out.

"Why would they do those things? This can't simply be explained in words.", Katara said.

"Aang, this time you need to do something. This has gone far enough.", Sokka said.

"I can't and I won't. I swore that no matter how evil a person might become, I wouldn't kill them. I still consider everyone a human being. It's just not my nature.", Aang said.

"You still believe that? Even now?"

"It's basically Firelord Ozai all over again."

"Sokka, we won't make Aang do anything he would live to regret.", Katara said.

"Besides, we can't let this incident cloud our judgment. We can't let rage control our actions.", William said.

"I still think we could at least do something. We can't let that town become a camp for the English.", Toph said.

"For now, we don't. We stay here."

"And let them do it again?!"

"I have a feeling this was some sort of warning. If Longshanks wanted to do this to every town and city in Scotland, he would've done it by now."

"Half the townspeople were earthbenders!"

"So what?! Were the nonbenders lives worth less?...This was an attack on Scotland, not benders...We staying here. That's my final call."

"So what do we do until then?", Robert asked.

"At this point, we'll have to send reinforcements to assist Clan Wallace. They're what's standing between the central forces and our province."

"How soon?", William Jr asked.

"I'll give the order tomorrow. They'll march west."

Everyone kept discussing strategies until sunset, which was when everyone ate dinner.

At the table, William was in the middle of eating venison when Aang said, "William, what about the child?"

"What child?"

"From earlier today. The sole survivor of Glasgow."

"Oh, well...we'll make sure he has a place to go. Don't worry. I won't just throw him out."


After dinner, most of the group went to bed. Everyone slept in separate rooms. William went to the room where Christian was being housed, but his bed was empty. He looked downstairs in front of the fireplace, but he wasn't there either.

William then looked on the roof, but he also wasn't there. He then saw Beauvais Cathedral, which was about a ten minute walk from the castle. It was one of the many old world cathedrals he rebuilt in the Avatar world. He just had a feeling about it and walked all the way there.

When he opened the doors and went inside, he saw Christian in the front pew praying. He sat down next to him. Christian, who was highly focused on praying didn't hear him. When he sat back, he slowly scooted away from William in fear.

"Young lad, this is the house of God. Everyone's equally welcome here. That includes me."

Christian slowly scooted backs towards him before he continued.

"I assume your father was a follower of mine."

"What do you mean?"

"If your Catholic, your father was a follower of mine."

"I don't think you're the Lord."

"I'm not. But I started the spread of Catholicism in this world. This was one of the cathedrals I built. In the old world, it was in France. Have you heard about it?"

"It was built in the...13th century."

"It was. So..."

"Yes I am. I need God now more than ever. But to answer the first part, no. I never knew my parents. They died just after I was born. I lived with my aunt and uncle."

"I'm assuming after what happened that they're...gone."


"Do you know of any other relatives that you could live with?"

"Not anymore. All of them lived in Glasgow."

"I see."

William thought for a minute before continuing.

"So, what were you praying for?"

"If I tell you, it won't come true."

"That's for wishes, not prayers. And even that's a myth."

Christian was silent for a few seconds.

"It's alright. You can tell me anything."

"Well...I prayed for a new family."

"Did you now?"


"Well...if you accept, then the Lord already answered it."

"What do you mean? Who would be my new mother?"

In a somewhat humorous way, William said, "For the mother, it would probably be best to find out later."

"Then who would be my new father?"

"The man whom you are looking at...The man who is speaking to you."

Christian suddenly realized it was him. After a few seconds, he broke down crying tears of joy and hugged William. From when he was first taught, he accepted William as his king, and now he accepted him as his new father.

"I told you, lad. The Lord never abandoned you. And neither did I."

"I accept. You were there for me. You didn't turn your back on me. From now until the day I die, I will be your son."

"Yes...however...this sounds strange, but I don't think I ever learned your name."

"Christian. My name is Christian."

"You can thank me for that too. It means 'follower of Christ'. Whoever your parents were, they did follow me all the way here."

William and Christian then walked back to the
castle. It was late, so they walked back to Christian's room. William put him in bed and as he closed the door, he said, "Goodnight, Christian."


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