IX: Return to Notre Dame

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After leaving the palace, the Gaang was disappointed. Their supposed last hope for an alliance had failed them. While riding on Appa through the city, William sat toward the back of the saddle just thinking to himself. He was unsure of what to do next.

Toph went back and sat next to him. She put her hand on his shoulder and said, "We tried. We did our best. But you shouldn't think that it's all over now."

"Well what should we do then?", he asked. "Do you have any other ideas?"

"No...But I do know of someone who will always respond. He might have an idea of his own."

Toph then had Appa fly to a place William hadn't been to in a long time. Appa landed in Notre Dame Square in front of the cathedral. The Gaang as a whole hadn't been there in a long time. Luckily, it still looked exactly the same.

They went inside and walked to the front pew. They all kneeled down and began praying.
After about half an hour, they all got up and genuflected towards the altar. As William and Aang both stood up, a familiar voice said, "I knew you'd come back one day."

"Bastien?", William said.

"Hello, William."

Bastien and the other monks came out into the light and hugged the members of the Gaang. They were older now, but still young enough to get around on their own.

"William, what are you doing here in the city? How long has it been since you were last here?", Bastien asked.

"Fifteen years"

"Wow...It has been that long. So what were you doing here then?"

"We were here trying to get...We were talking to the Earth King."

"An alliance?"


"We know about the war. Everyone knows about it."

"And we are terribly sorry to hear about it, William", said the Archdeacon who appeared from behind the monks.

William greeted him before continuing.
"Yes. I know. The war has taken its toll. And the Earth King won't support us. He's too worried about his public image to do what's right. But we're still determined. We'll think of something."

"Well,", Bastien started. "We'll do what's right. We'll come with you."

"No. Just stay here. It would be a mistake to put you through this. You shouldn't fight."

"We actually want to come along for a different purpose."

"What's that?"

"Before each battle, assuming that's how long this war lasts, we would be gracious to give you and the soldiers blessings. To protect you. And when a soldier falls and dies on the battlefield, we'll carry them off so we can give them a proper burial afterwards."

"Is this just an idea?"

"No. We've all talked about it. We're all in if you accept."

"Is the Archbishop alright with it?"

"Yes. He says we can leave whenever."

"If that be the case, then now would be your guys' chance."

"We'll be right out then."

The Gaang exited the cathedral and began their trip back to Scotland, now with the four monks riding with them. They hadn't gotten what they came to Ba Sing Se for, but now at least got ministers/undertakers. It was their silver lining. They left the city with a glimpse of hope.

William got hope for something else. At the palace, all of them defended him greatly, but Toph's testament stood out the most to him. She was still willing to identify as the Queen of Scotland, especially in front of the Earth King. More importantly, she claimed she still cared about him in some way. For the first time since they separated, he was no longer mad at her.

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