XXX: William MacKay, King of Scotland

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The morning after the battle, Aang rode Appa down to the Southern Water Tribe and two days later, at sunset, came back to Scotland and landed in Edinburgh.

MAY 23

"They're here!", Hamish yelled outside Beauvais Cathedral.

The entire Clan was inside the cathedral and had just finished a special Mass a few minutes earlier, giving praise and thanks to God for the end of a long and hard conflict.

Appa landed on the concrete outside the cathedral. Everyone came out and saw Aang get off Appa along with Hakoda, Bumi, Kya, Tenzin, Suyin, and Christian.

Katara, who hadn't seen her children in over a year, hugged them and didn't stop. They hugged back and told her about how much they missed her.

Suyin hugged both Toph and William at the same time.

"Dad!", she said.

"Suyin, my wee darling, I've spent too long without you.", William said.

"I know. Which is why I want to stay."


"Here. In Edinburgh. I need to finally get to know my father."

"Well, only if it's alright with..."

"Go ahead.", Toph said.

"Mom, you don't know how much this means to me.", Suyin said as she hugged Toph. She then ran off and started talking to the others when Christian came up to William.

"Father!", he shouted as he ran up to him.

"Christian, Scotland is free. You'll finally live here in peace. You finally have son."

Christian then hugged him and said, "I love you, father. I'll defend all of Scotland if it means being your son."

"I'm glad. One day you'll be a strong warrior, leading this country into battle. But for now, just be my son."

"I can do that."

MAY 24

The morning after the families were completely reunited, the Gaang and their children all rode Appa to Ba Sing Se. They all did exactly what the original Gaang did at the end of the Hundred Year War. They went to the Jasmine Dragon Tea Shop and relaxed.

Out on the balcony was William, Toph, Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Zuko. They overlooked Ba Sing Se and for all of them, except William, it was deja vu. Except this time, it was better. They never expected to have a moment like that again, but it happened.

Sokka and Zuko then went inside. About a minute later, Aang and Katara followed. William and Toph were then standing in the exact same spots where Aang and Katara had professed their love for each other. Emotions of all kinds were running through them.

As they simply stared at one another, Lin walked up next to Sokka, who was watching it.

"I guess they're finally in love again.", he said.

"Yes, they are.", she said.

"Too bad you'll be going back to Republic City soon."

"We're not going back."


"We're staying in Scotland. It's our kingdom too and we want to always be there for it. Besides, with the England unable to carry out attacks anymore, Republic City no longer needs us."

"Does he know?"

"Yeah, I told him. She didn't say anything, but now she doesn't have to. Their faces are saying everything they need to know."

Then, as the sun set over the city, William and Toph shared a passionate kiss for the first time in 10 years. They were finally back together and would never separate again.

Later, that night they slept in the same bed and had intercourse, reminding each other that the two had become one when they married all those years ago. It was the greatest night of their lives.


Clan Avatar met fully one last time on the field of Bannockburn. Behind them were 100,000 Scots. They came to co-sign and accept England's surrender treaty.

The Clan, with the exception of William, walked out to a small tent where they all signed their names. The first to sign the treaty was Edward II, the new king of England. He would never be as strong of a leader as his father, but he eventually committed himself to turning England into a nation of peace and freedom.

The first member of Clan Avatar to sign the treaty was Toph Beifong, Queen of Scotland. The second to last to sign was Avatar Aang. After he left the tent, the final member rode on horseback to the tent and was the last to sign the treaty. It was William MacKay, King of Scotland. By signing the treaty, it was finalized, and Scotland was officially declared the war's victor.

William took the treaty and rode out in front of the crowd. He then stood up on his horse, raised his sword into the air with one hand and raised the treaty with the other and yelled, "BRAVE SCOTSMEN, THIS LAND IS FREE!"

The crowed yelled back in celebration. Some cried.

They had been fighting for so long. William MacKay had spent his whole life fighting. He created a nation that gave itself a deep sense of patriotism. The Kingdom of Scotland was now at peace and after trying for such a long time, they had finally won their freedom.

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