XXVI: Every Man Dies

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William was taken to the kingdom's supreme court inside Westminster Palace. He was brought before the justices, handcuffed in shackles.

"William MacKay, you stand before the court, having been found guilty of high treason.", the head magistrate said.

"Against whom?", William asked.

"Against your king. Have you got anything to say?"

"...Never in my whole life did I swear allegiance to that man."

"It matters not. He is your king."

"That man was not, is not, and will never be my king, nor Scotland's king."

"If I were you, I would be careful not to speak so harshly. Because if you confess, you shall receive a quick death. If you deny, you will shall be purified by pain. So, do you confess?"

William said nothing.

"I said, do you confess?"


"Very well. Then tomorrow you shall receive the purification before paying the ultimate price."
William was then dragged away into a cell.


It was night in London. In the dungeon, the moonlight was shining into William's cell. The Gaang had arrived in London safely by holding a white flag in front the palace's guards to signal neutrality. They went to the dungeon straight to William.

They were let in and saw William lying on the floor. He got up and was shown to be chained to the wall.

"Hello. I'm surprised to see you here.", he said.

"We had to see you one last time before...your...absence.", Aang said.

William looked at them. There were three of them. It was Aang, Katara, and Sokka.

"Where's Toph?", he asked.

Sokka pointed his head towards the door and said, "She's listening. We came to say goodbye."

"I'll see you again. I know I will."

"We couldn't wait until we all died before speaking to you.", Katara said.

"What is there to say? Tomorrow at noon, my life ends. That's all there is to describe it."

"We'll say goodbye individually.", Aang said.

William reluctantly nodded in agreement.
Aang and Sokka then stepped out of room as Katara walked up to William.

"You know, you're only the second person I've met who has fought this hard for a cause.", she said.

"And other being your husband?"


"Great to know. He's good company, as are you."

"Some people disagree."

"Well they shouldn't. You've been like a sister to me, Katara. Never change. It's what people love about you."

"I won't...Thanks."

She then hugged him and left. Next, Sokka stepped in.

"I guess this is it. I don't about you, but I had fun while it lasted.", he said.

"So did I, Sokka. So did I. An addition to being a great friend, you've also been my closest ally. You've always had my back."

"Just doing what's right."

"And while we're at it, let's never forget that time we tried attaching those bombs to the war balloon."

They both then laughed.

"Yeah. It was bound to fail from the beginning."

"Well...never accept defeat. Even now, trapped in this cell, I still don't."

"I'll remember that."

Then then quickly hugged before he left and Aang walked in.

"William I'm sorry about-"

"Aang...no. I apologize. I shouldn't have said what I said. I know you care about the world. I guess also should've remembered that you grew up in such a short period of time. Katara's told me that a hundred times too."

"William, what should I do? I'm the Avatar. I feel that if you die tomorrow, then it's my responsibility to liberate Scotland. I think it's the only way to restore peace to this world."

"If I do die tomorrow, I think Scotland will expect it. But then again, they'll always expect a man with your judgement to lead them to victory. And make sure that Notre Dame will do alright without me. It has a special place in all our hearts."

"I will."

"You're my best friend. From the beginning, you were always my best friend."

"I'm glad to know that for sure."

They hugged and then Aang left. For a minute, nothing happened. William's face began to sink. Then, Toph finally walked in.

"I'm so glad you came."

"You're my husband. Of course I would come."

"Being away from you for so long, I don't feel like your husband anymore."

"I may be stubborn at times, but I still acknowledge it. It's simply the truth."

"I have too much to say to you. I don't know where to start."

"Well I do. I've come to beg you to swear allegiance to the king in the hope that he might show you mercy."

"Will he ever show mercy to the people of our country?"

"Mercy is to die a quick and painless death. If not, then I want you to live."

"...If I swear loyalty to him, then all that I am is dead already."

"Then he must let you live."

"We all know he'll never do that."

She was then speechless.

"Toph?...Toph?...I know we had a falling out. And I know that it separated our family...But I never stopped loving you. Throughout this war, you've been at my side. Because of that, I had the chance to fall in love with you all over again."

Then, Toph did something William never expected. She broke down and cried. He had known her for 25 years and had been married to her for 23 of them, and not once did he see her cry.

"I felt the same way. Which is why I can't bear the thought of tomorrow."

"No one can. But these things happen."

"But I don't want you to die."

"Toph, look at me." Though blind, she still looked up at him. "You gave me more than I ever dreamed. You supported my every decision. You helped me build a kingdom that stands for freedom. And you gave me seven children that I wouldn't trade for anything. You made me live."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Every man dies...not every man truly lives."

She continued crying and hugged him while burying her face into his chest. He hugged her back as temporary comfort before continuing.

"Never forget that you're the most beautiful and intelligent woman I ever laid eyes on."

She nodded. She then pulled out a small vile and said, "Here. Drink this. It will dull your pain."

"No. It will numb my wits. For if I'm senseless, then Longshanks will have broken me already."

"I can't bear the thought of you being tortured. Please, take it."

After a few seconds, William whispered, "Alright".

He then drank the liquid. The both of them then slowly began to lean in as if they wanted to kiss, but at the last second, she backed away and walked out of the room. Once she was out, he spit out the drink, which he hadn't swallowed.

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