XI: Glasgow

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Scotland was now even more vulnerable. With the MacDougell province captured, the MacNeil province was the only one left on its river border with England that had not been touched. If that one fell, allied forces would have to land a little further to the east in the MacIntosh province. But that problem would be nothing compared to what was about to happen on a horrifying night in Glasgow.


After days of riding, the squire made it to Glasgow. It was sunset and a lot of people had settled down for the evening. Though the English had overtaken the town, nothing had been done at this point except the change in leadership.

The northern noble was now occupying the town hall. The squire came inside and brought the message to him. After reading it, he ordered the squire to ride back to London. As he left, the noble ordered his men to gather everyone in front of the town hall.

When the whole town was gathered out front, the noble came out and said, "Citizens of Glasgow, I'm sure you're all aware of our laws and customs. And you know that if you only submit and comply that we shall let you live in peace and harmony a bit longer. Tonight, the king has granted everyone of us Englishmen the open and extended right of Prima Nocte. And we have gathered you here to claim it now."

The whole crowd gasped and began to look worried.

"Gentlemen, enjoy!", the noble yelled.
The soldiers walked towards the whole crowd. The crowd started to back up in fear and went from gasping to yelling and running. It was exactly what had been planned.

The soldiers surrounded most of the townspeople and began doing the most inhumane acts. "The Unthinkable" consisted of five stages, each one more inhumane than the last.

In the first stage, the townspeople ran inside their homes. The soldiers broke down the doors of every one of them and stole their money and every valuable piece of property they saw. This included gold and silver coins, jewelry, and other similar items. They then loaded them into wagons. At this point, the townspeople were scared but also confused, as simple theft was less common than the regular English practice of Prima Nocte.

In the second stage, the soldiers then dragged every citizen out of their house and back into the middle of town. They then set every building in town on fire, with the exception of the town hall. They were all made of wood and other flammable materials, so they went up in flames relatively fast.

The third stage was when the soldiers stopped acting like human beings and began turning into savage beasts. Some of them surrounded the townspeople while others grabbed one citizen each and began physically abusing them. This wasn't limited to able bodied men. It also included women, the elderly, and worst of all, the children. They kept going until they were scarred or covered in blood.

The fourth stage wasn't the last, but some argue that was the most sinister and evil. After abusing the townspeople, the soldiers ripped their clothes off and raped them. They started with the women, then the men, then the elderly, and then even did it to the children.

The fifth and final stage sealed their status as total animals. They ended the people's suffering by killing them. All the people were hung from the town's trees. After they were all dead, they burned their hanging bodies and in the process burned the trees they hung them from.

In only a one hour window, the soldiers occupying the town had managed to exterminate them in the most evil way possible. With everyone dead and all the buildings destroyed, there was nothing left. The noble and the soldiers could have left, but instead they went into a nearby forest to remove trees that would be used to build new homes for all the soldiers. It would be as if the original town never existed.

Although Glasgow was the seat of the province, there were a few other towns where the MacDougells resided. The soldiers thought they killed everyone, but one ten year old boy managed to escape. He ran to Dunbar, which was about two miles east of Glasgow. When he arrived, he told everyone about what had happened. They sent a couple men to Glasgow to secretly investigate his claim, which was proven true. As night fell, a couple of the men immediately took him to Edinburgh.

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