XV: Happrew

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Word had spread about the group's victory in Glasgow. Scots everywhere began calling the group Clan Avatar. It specifically included William, Aang, Toph, Katara, Sokka, the MacKay children, Morrison, the Kyoshi Warriors, the Freedom Fighters, Haru, and Teo.

For the rest of the night, Clan Avatar and a few men from Clan MacKay set up camp next to a creek about three miles south of Edinburgh. Glasgow was a relatively easy victory. Every English soldier had been killed. For the Clan, there were no deaths and the only injury was when Campbell got shot in the shoulder with an arrow.

At the camp, William was in tent thinking of a possible strategy to use at Happrew.

Meanwhile, Hamish grabbed a fire poker they took from a mobile homemade furnace. The end of it was red hot. He then walked toward Campbell.

"What are you waiting for, big brother?", Campbell said.

Hamish then handed the poker to Morrison and said, "Here. You can do it. I'll hold him down."

Morrison then handed the poker to a fellow clansman and also said, "Here. You can do it. I'll hold him down."

Hamish, Morrison, William Jr, and Robert then held Campbell down.

"Pour it straight in the wound. I know this seems like a waste of good whiskey, but indulge me.", Campbell said.

Hamish then poured the whiskey over Campbell's shoulder wound. The other clansman then stuck the poker on top of the wound. Campbell yelled at the top of his lungs for a second before breathing heavily.

After about two more seconds, Hamish yelled,
"Alright, let him go!"

Everyone then let go of Campbell as he got up and walked toward the clansman with the poker.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry-", the clansman said as he attempted to apologize before Campbell landed a single punch on him.

After a couple seconds of catching his breath, Campbell jokingly said, "Well, that'll wake you up in the morning", to which everyone laughed.

A clansman that was closest to the creek saw about six or seven men in the distance. He then yelled, "There's somebody coming!"

Fearing it was the English, Morrison yelled, "Arm yourselves!", as everyone pulled out a weapon.

Hamish ran into the tent and said to William, "There's somebody coming." William then got up, and ran out of the tent to the front of the crowd.

"Who is it?", he asked.

"It's the MacGregors", Campbell said.

The MacGregors were the clan the bordered the MacKays to the north, as well as the MacIntoshs to the south. There were seven of them that had arrived at the camp. They crossed over a small footbridge and then stopped in front of the group.

The MacGregor patriarch, who was at the front, then said, "We heard about your little shindig in Glasgow, and we don't want you armidants thinking you can have your fun without us."

At this point in the war, the MacGregors hadn't been too involved. So it made sense when William said, "Go home. All of you. Some of us are in this. We can't help that now. But you can help yourselves. Go home."

"We'll have no homes left when England's garrisons from the castle comes through and burns us out. And they will."

Although hesitant, William shook his hand and everyone welcomed the MacGregors into the fight.


After a week of planning and slow traveling, the Clan, along with the MacGregors and Aang, who had just made it back from taking Christian to the Southern Water Tribe, made it to Fort Happrew. The town of Happrew was the seat of the MacDuff province, which the English had already captured awhile back.

Just east of the fort, the Clan ambushed a group of 75 soldiers, battled and defeated them, and stole their uniforms.

At the fort, a soldier in an archer tower said, "The patrol is early, my lord."

Out came one of the southern nobles and he ordered guards at the front to open the gates. The Clan then rode on horses into the fort, disguised as soldiers. They then got off the horses and William walked towards the noble.

"So, what news?", the noble asked.

William took off the metal hat he was wearing and hit the noble with it. Another battle started inside the fort. Within five minutes, almost every single soldier was killed. Afterwards, William and the rest of the clan surrounded the noble.

"I had dispatched 75 soldiers yesterday. They will be returning now!", the noble said.

"What are they dressed like? This?...And actually, it was more like 35.", William said. He then turned around to Morrison and said, "Make it quick."

Morrison's wife had suffered from the enforcement of Prima Nocte. The noble at Happrew just so happened to be the same one who declared it against her. He took off his metal hat and said, "You remember me?"

The noble nervously said, "I-I didn't do her any harm. It-It was my right."

"Well I'm here to claim the right of her HUSBAND!"

Morrison then stabbed and killed the noble.

Most of soldiers were killed, however, four of them had surrendered. William turned to them and said, "I am William MacKay, King of Scotland. You four will be spared. Go back to England and tell your king that Scotland's sons and daughters are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free."

The four soldiers were put on horses and they quickly rode out of the fort and back to England. As William walked out of the fort, he said to Aang, who obviously could firebend, "Burn it."

Aang then used firebending to burn down the fort, which had built by the English. With Fort Happrew sacked, the MacDuff province was taken back and the quick battle was declared another Scottish victory.

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