XXIX: Sterling-The Final Stand

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The Scottish Army stood on the field in Sterling, awaiting the battle. Over the last few weeks, every man in Scotland between the ages of 15 and 64 joined in to defend what their country stood for. Also, about half of the country's women joined too. Unlike England, Scotland fully permitted women to join its army. This was influenced by William's books, some of which described women leading the Ancient Celts into battle. With an age range stretching 50 years and women also being included, the Scottish had a total of 115,000 troops ready for battle.

At the front of the mega crowd of troops were William Jr, Robert, Hamish, and Campbell. All of them had swords, except Hamish who had his battle axe. Each of them had designs on their faces made from war paint. Morrison then came riding towards them on horseback. He had been sent to personally find out how many English soldiers would arrive.

As Morrison stopped in front of them, William Jr said, "So, how many?"

"The English have a grand total of 670,000. They're on their way and they're not far."

"What about the Irish?"

"Stephen's bringing in all the Irish troops. They're over to the east somewhere. They're also not far."

"Will it make a difference?", Hamish asked.

"I don't think so. Even with the Irish, we're still outnumbered 5 to 1."

People at the front who heard this began to have doubts. Then, an unexpected surprise happened. The Welsh finally made it after supposedly staying neutral during the whole war. They came in from the west and stopped and settled next to the Scottish. Their main commander then rode to the middle, where the MacKay boys were.

"We'd thought you'd never show.", William Jr said.

"Neither did we.", the commander said. "But we've spent weeks preparing our forces for this. We just knew this day would come."

"How many could you get?"

"I'm leading all 15,000 of my men into this battle. Does that affect the odds of victory?"

"Vaguely", Morrison said.

"Well, we'll be with you until the end. That is our promise."

"Alright then. Go rejoin your men. And be patient. We're still waiting on others.", William Jr said.

The Welsh commander then rode away back towards his men.

About 10 minutes later, a noise came from the other side of the battlefield and slowly got louder. Eventually, the entire English Army marched over the hill onto their end of the battlefield. Morrison was right. They did outnumber the Scottish by a lot.

About 5 minutes after the English arrived, a noise came from the east that everyone including the English noticed. The Irish showed up, led by Stephen. Though he was only 13, he was a much better warrior than some adults, so his father fully allowed him to fight. He rode on horseback at the front of the large crowd of 20,000 troops. They also stopped and settled right next to the Scottish, as Stephen rode up and joined his brothers.

"Glad you could make it.", Robert said.

"Of course I made it. I wouldn't miss this day for the world."

"Specifically, how many could be here?", Morrison asked.


"Did you by chance run into father on your way here?", Hamish asked.

"No. But I ran into the Northern Water Tribe. They're coming too."

"How many?"

"Couldn't tell. But I'm sure they brought all they could."

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