VII: The War Spreads

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Although the Gaang and a few close allies got involved to help contribute to the cause, it appeared that the war was just between Scotland and England. That changed.


Most of the Fire Nation had heard about the war within a couple weeks after it started. Zuko was in between a rock and hard place. He expressed it to his advisors at a meeting in the war room.

"There must be something we can do. We cannot just sit and here and watch while Scotland plunges into chaos.", he said.

"But sir, we have to think of the Colonies", one advisor told him.

Not long after both the Hundred Year War and the events at Notre Dame, Aang, Zuko, and Earth King Kuei attempted to get rid of the Fire Nation colonies in the Earth Kingdom in a series of events now known as the Harmony Restoration Movement. However, the struggle caused a brief war in the colonies. In the end, the three of them decided to let the colonists stay where they were in order to ensure peace.

Now most of the Colonies are autonomous villages in what is now England. Zuko supported Scotland in the war, but refused to actually send aid to them, fearing Longshanks would find out and hold the Colonists hostage. To avoid putting the Colonists' lives in danger, Zuko initially decided to remain neutral in the war. But now, he was having second thoughts.

"We'll find a way to make sure the Colonists don't get harmed. But as of now, Scotland will not fight this war alone. If the situation were reversed, William would not dare turn his back on me. I owe him that."

"Then what shall we do, sir?"

"Send 100 troops to the MacDuff province. Let William know we're there to support him."

"Sir, won't the English see us once we pass Crescent Island?"

"Send them across the Great Divide then. It may take a while, but they'll make it there undetected."

"Yes sir."

It took an entire week, but the troops made it to MacDuff province. From there, they hiked further inland until they made it to Edinburgh. William was surprised it took that long, but once he got the full story, he understood.

Zuko did what he could to ensure that Longshanks didn't find out about the Fire Nation's new status regarding the war. In any small battles, attacks or ambushes that the Fire Nation soldiers participated in, they would wear red and black kilts in plaid pattern. It made them look like Scots, but also helped Scotland distinguish Fire Nation soldiers from their own.

While the Fire Nation had finally decided to join the war after much debate, the next group to jump in was the Northern Water Tribe. They had also stayed neutral, but got the courage to join once they heard about Zuko's bold move. They sent only about 20 soldiers, but also sent plenty of weapons. The battles were small, so it made sense that they start out small. Any soldiers they had would also be distinguished by wearing blue and white kilts in plaid pattern.

Though Scotland was still their main opponent and target, most of the world was now officially at war with England.

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