Chapter 21

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Kaida whips around, her locs swish as she does so and she is sprung to action but she feels a hand hold her back.

"Where are you going?"

Kaida stills and half-turns to see Elias's hand around her wrist.

"To the roof. He's there."

Kaida is blunt.

It was a matter of fact. She was going to see him.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

Kaida ignores Elias completely and speaks over him, directly to Farley.

"I assume you'll get everyone out into the courtyard. Proceed and I will join you back in a moment."

With that, Kaida pulls her hand away and makes a break for the stairs.

She starts off taking the steps slow, one at a time, but her legs move faster, and soon she is practically running up flights of stairs, not allowing herself a moment of rest.

Her heart hammers from both the physical exertion and the anticipation.

She feels the blood pounding around her body.

Kaida finally reaches the emergency exit to the roof and pushes it open almost violently.

It is dark on the roof, but still slightly illuminated by the yard spotlights mounted 100 feet above the ground, lighting up the front of the prison in a dazzling white light.

Kaida's eyes dart around frantically, then land on the back of a shadowy figure.

Her feet move by their own volition as she approaches.

The figure has their back to her, arms crossed behind them, as they watch the Scarlet Guard leave the wreckage of the prison below.


Kaida's voice is low, her lips part naturally as she ushers his name.

Maven turns around to look at her, he had been waiting for her. He knew she would come.

There is a moment of stillness.

Maven observes Kaida, every little detail he takes note of.

Her face, her clothes, her injuries.

Kaida does the same to him.

Maven is dressed head-to-toe in black and he looks like a merchant of death.

He is dressed regally but there is a combative edge to his kingly regalia.

His top half appears to be slotted over with a textured black material that gives the illusion of dragon scales, and it looks well crafted.

Maven looks expensive as always but tonight, there is a deadly edge.

Kaida exhales when their eyes meet.

He had not been sleeping well, telling from his dark circles and puffy undereyes.

His raven black hair was longer, tastefully unkept, with the silken strands curving over his forehead.

Yet, still in this state, Maven had an ethereal beauty - haunted by pain but still breathtaking none the less.

Kaida has no control over her body as she runs into his arms.

It would have knocked him back if he didn't scoop her up and hold her just as tight.

Kaida wraps her arms around his neck, and his wrap around her, the flat of his palm against her rib cage and the other firmly around her waist.

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