Chapter 3

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Safania's POV

When I awoke, my entire body felt as though it was on fire. I cried out pathetically.

"There there," a soothing female voice said, placing a hand on my shoulder, "You're safe here."

I quickly took stock of my surroundings. I was in a big, extremely clean room. The gloomy, dark scene outdoors that I could see through the large windows seemed to complement the bleak, stony walls. The bed I had been put in was large and plush, nicer than any I had ever been in before.

I looked at the woman sitting by my bedside. She didn't look much older than me, and was wearing what looked like a uniform – a dark blue dress that fit snugly over her curvy figure and a white bonnet. Her hair was pulled into the bonnet, but I could see from some of the loose tendrils framing her face that it was a caramel color. But her most striking feature was that she seemed to ooze kindness. I could feel her warmth directed at me.

I felt for my clothes – still on, thank the heavens. 

"Don't worry," the woman said, seeming to notice me feeling for my outfit. "The master felt like this is probably enough of a shock. He wanted to wait to change your clothes until you were conscious."

I tried to respond, but all that came out was a whimper. Pathetic. I can't believe I didn't die. I wish I had. Now I was in an even bigger mess.

"Hush," she said, "don't try to speak yet. Drink some of this tea."

She handed me a stone mug. The tea's aroma was strong and inviting. I eyed it cautiously.

"Would we really go through all this trouble to take care of you just to poison you?" the maid asked.

I wasn't convinced. There were plenty of other things to slip in a cup of tea beyond poison – truth serum, things to make me more suggestible, things to knock me out. I mimed drinking the liquid, which seemed to pacify her.

"We can have food brought if you're hungry?" she suggested. I didn't respond. "I'll bring some up then, just in case," she said to herself.

"I'm Emalina. I'm one of the lead servants here. I'm guessing you want to know what happened?" she asked. I still didn't respond. I didn't want to talk. I wanted to be left alone so I could think my way out of this disaster.

"Well, two merchants found you on the riverbank and brought you here. They presented you, asking if anyone knew who you were. Then you woke up and punched one of them! It was quite the scene. You passed out right away, and before anyone could say anything, the master said he would take you. Which is really unlike him honestly. Apparently, he gave them a whole bag of gold for you."

Great. So I was sold to become some rich guy's mistress.

Without any indication I understood anything she had said, Emalina continued. "The master is very quiet and stern, but he is a good man. You don't have to worry about . . . well, I don't think he would ever touch a woman without her permission. His brothers however . . . they're pieces of work. But you'll learn that."

This woman was a chatterbox. I still didn't respond, hoping she would get the hint and leave.

"I suppose you are wondering where you are . . . You're in Peria. My master, the person who brought you here, is the second son of King Theodore, his highness, Prince Cassius."

I felt a cold wave of panic wash over my body. No. No no no no no. This just went from bad to worse. Living in a small village was risky enough for me. But living with the royal family of Peria was a disaster waiting to happen.

Emalina studied my face carefully. "Have you heard of Prince Cassius?"

I didn't respond. I didn't know much about the royal family of Peria, but I didn't want to reveal what I knew or didn't know. I really needed her to leave. I had to figure out how to get out as soon as possible.

Emalina continued talking without waiting for me to respond. "Prince Cassius . . . well his reputation is I guess somewhat accurate. He's cold and aloof. But he's very smart. And I've seen him do extraordinarily kind things when he thinks no one is paying attention. He's much nicer to us than his brothers and fathers. So the rumors about him being a monster, they're just not true. I think he likes people to be afraid of him, but I don't think you actually have anything to fear."

If she only knew.

"So who are you? What's your name? Where are you from?"

I looked down, not answering. Emalina sighed.

"You're going to have to answer when Prince Cassius asks. Actually, I'm neglecting my duties. His highness told me to inform him as soon as you woke up. So I should go do that. And I'll get you some food too. You look like you're starving."

Emalina stood up. "Drink your tea. His highness will be in soon. I'm going to lock you in here just as a precaution. To keep you safe and all. And you better loosen your tongue before he comes!" she said cheerfully.

I heard the door click, a lock turn, and the sound of her footsteps walking away.

I immediately tried to stand and collapsed on the floor, cursing. I didn't have much time, but I had to get out of here. This may be my only chance.

I pulled myself towards the window, lifting myself up by the window frame. I was up at least three stories, but the castle wall was something I could easily have scaled on a good day. Of course, this wasn't a good day. Not only was I weak and malnourished, it was dark, drizzling and gloomy outside. Good cover though, I thought to myself. There were likely very few people outside who would be able to spot me. Additionally, falling and dying would be preferred to the kind of situation staying would put me in. If I had more time I could have thought of another plan. But I didn't.

I opened the window and swung my left leg over. Straddling the window, I felt for a stone ledge below me and lowered myself. Once I had my footing, I closed the window behind me. Hopefully that would buy me some more time. I started climbing down the wall as quickly as I could. The rocks were wet, and my hands and feet kept slipping, slowing me down.

I felt myself getting hot and then cold. Something wasn't right. About ten feet from the bottom, my vision got extremely blurry. I reached for rocks below me but miscalculated and slipped.

I hit the ground hard before I even realized I was falling. A crunching noise accompanied my impact. After catching my breath, I looked down to see my leg stuck out from under me at a strange angle. Cursing, I tried pulling myself to my feet. Instantly I felt like knives were stabbing my leg.

I collapsed on the ground, letting rain sprinkle on my face for a few moments. They were going to find me. I had to keep moving.

I saw a nearby tree and crawled to it. With considerable effort, I pulled myself up using the tree trunk and snapped off a dead branch. Using the dead branch as a makeshift crutch, I hobbled into the woods. I had no plan at this point. I was just moving aimlessly, mindlessly. The pain was shooting through my entire body now. Maybe if I made it to the ship, I could stow away, stay warm, and travel to a new place where I wouldn't be recognized.

I kept moving but felt myself slowing down. No. I wasn't far enough from the castle. My legs gave out from underneath me. I rolled onto my back again and felt the raindrops gently hit my face. Please let them not find me, I begged the universe. Please. Then I felt the familiar darkness envelop me once again.

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