Chapter 88

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Third Person POV

The crowd continued to cheer as Cassius and Safania walked along the path. The sun was just about to set, so the entire camp was bathed in a soft, gold light. Cassius looked over to see a sad expression on her face.

"What's the matter?" he asked her.

She looked startled, as if Cassius had shaken her from a deep thought. "Nothing," she said quickly. "I was just thinking."

"Saf, if this is too much..." Cassius began.

"No, no, it's not that. I just know there are other people who should be here today. Eli, Avus, Princess Salma...and of course all your other friends and family."

Cassius smiled sadly. He and Edward had always talked about getting drunk together the night before their weddings. But that seemed ages ago, and he guessed most of his allies in Peria were either dead or had run away. He looked at Safania, who was watching him closely.

"You're right. There are other people who should be here. But those people would all understand why we need to do this."

"I know," Safania replied. "I'm just a little sad. That's all."

Cassius squeezed her hand. "I understand."

By the time they reached the tent, the sun had started setting, painting the sky brilliant shades of red and orange. The spring air was warm with a slight bite from a cool breeze. Safania looked to Cassius, but he gave no sign of being chilled despite being shirtless.

 The crowd waited outside while Safania and Cassius entered the tent. Zamari, Liasa, Emalina, Ari, and Alton followed behind them.

Inside, the tent was illuminated with hundreds of candles of all shapes and sizes. The elders – Riko, Agnes, Iris, Gloria, and Aponi – were already waiting. Iris was standing, while the rest were seated.

"Welcome Cassius, Safania," she said warmly. "Please sit."

She gestured to a colorful rug in the middle of the tent. Cassius and Safania sat on it, cross-legged, facing each other.

"Take each other's hands," she instructed.

"Friends, family, we are here today to celebrate the union of two souls," Iris began in Eirlin. Zamari began translating to the rest of the group. "Cassius and Safania, is it your intention on this night to marry?"

"It is," Cassius and Safania replied.

"And you enter into this union not for power, money, or other improper motive, but because of the love you share for one another?"

"We do," Cassius and Safania answered.

"Then you may proceed with your vows," Iris said, stepping back. Cassius took a deep breath before beginning.

"Safania, from the moment I saw you in the throne room the first time we met, I saw someone who was beautiful, strong, and brave. I was right, but not in the way I thought. Yes, you are beautiful. But your real beauty is so much deeper than it first appeared. It's your soul, always full of kindness and compassion. You are strong, but your true strength comes from endurance, not brute force. You are like your namesake, the willow. Flexible. Powerful. Unbreakable. And you are brave. But not because you are fearless. You're brave because you don't let fear control you. You do what's right, even if you're terrified, even if you know the consequences, because you know it's the right thing to do."

"I never thought I would want to get married, but with you, I couldn't wait. Everything I have, my body, mind, and soul, are yours. In Peria, our vows end by saying until death do us part. But with you, that just doesn't seem long enough. So instead I'll say you have my heart Safania. For now and forever."

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