Chapter 79

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Third Person POV

Liasa sat on the ground holding an unconscious Safania. "Did you know she could do that?" she asked Ari and Alton. They both shook their heads, completely awestruck.

"We need to go," one of the soldiers said, snapping them out of their shock. "Chances are the whole castle heard those windows shatter."

"I can't carry her," Ari said. "My back..."

The group turned to look at Ari's back, finding his shirt covered in blood. The cuts that had been healing had reopened.

"Are you okay?" Liasa asked, concerned.

"I'll be fine. I can make it to Emalina and worry about it then. I just can't carry Safania."

"I'll carry her," a soldier volunteered.

"Wait," Ari said, taking his cloak and wrapping it around Safania to keep her warm in the chilly, outside air.

"Be gentle," Liasa warned the soldier. He lifted Safania up carefully, but easily.

"We have to go," Alton said urgently.

The group hurried down the hallway to a side door. It was locked, but like Alton had remembered, the wood was rotting, which allowed them to easily kick it open. "Hurry," Alton called, helping all of the group through.

They ran across the grounds into the woods, following the river. It wasn't long before they saw a small ship in the distance. Emalina and Princess Salma stood outside, waving them over.

"You made it," the princess said cheerfully. "We were getting worried."

Emalina immediately walked over to the man holding Safania. Upon seeing her best friend, Emalina burst into tears.

"You did it," Emalina said to the group, relieved. She brushed Safania's hair away from her face. "She's free."

"Don't jinx us by celebrating early," Princess Salma said with a small smile. "We've got to get you all tucked away on this ship and set sail before anyone stops us." 

The princess led the group aboard the ship, where a small crew was already working on getting ready for their departure..

"Here's where you will stay," Salma said, showing them to a small room with four bunk beds. "Sorry, you're going to have to share beds."

"That's no problem at all," Alton replied. "We're just so grateful you agreed to help us. We don't know what we would have done without you."

"You would have figured it out. Perians are very resourceful. I'm just happy I was in town for the coronation so I could help."

"You're sure your brother isn't going to wonder why you left early?" Ari asked.

"I believe I made my feelings on King Alterius quite clear," Salma said with a thin smile. "I think he would have been more surprised if I had stayed for the ball."

While they were talking, the soldier laid Safania gently on the bottom of one of the beds. Emalina slowly removed the cloak Ari had draped around her, revealing her ripped, dirty, bloody clothes underneath. She recoiled in horror. 

"What...what did they do to her?"

Princess Salma looked over at Safania. Upon seeing her, the seemingly permanent smile on her face disappeared. "Oh my word," she said softly. "I knew it wasn't going to be good but...I have never seen anything like this before. They treat murderers better than this."

Emalina just stood, unblinking, looking horrified at Safania's mangled body.

"Em, we should make sure she doesn't get an infection," Alton prodded her gently.

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