Chapter 92

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This chapter contains references to sexual assault. Reader discretion is advised.

Third Person POV

Cassius walked around the fort, observing the mixed units. After their observation that morning, he and the generals had decided where to fit in the elementalists. Now the soldiers and elementalists were training together. It was going better than expected, with the women figuring out how they could add to their soldiers' formations. Some were using their abilities to shield their units, allowing them to get closer for attacking. Others were figuring how to attack without accidentally hurting their fellow soldiers. All were working on communication, figuring out each other's rhythms and fighting styles. Cassius looked on with approval, impressed they had already come so far.

"Your highness, a letter," a young boy said, delivering an envelope to Cassius.

"Thank you," Cassius replied, tearing into the letter eagerly. It must be from Safania, he thought.

To his disappointment, the handwriting was not Safania's. His disappointment quickly turned to concern as he began to read.

Your highness,

It's Emalina. I know you're probably disappointed to get a letter from me instead of Safania. I don't want you to worry, but she is currently not in a position to write. She had an episode while she was reading your letter – the worst she's ever had. Maria actually passed out from trying to calm her. They're both resting now. Hopefully things will be better when they wake up, whenever that is.

I can't read the letter since it's in Eirlin, and I didn't want to ask someone else to translate in case there is something personal or confidential in it. But whatever is in that letter, something really upset Safania.

There's no cause for concern right now. We have everything under control. But I knew if you didn't hear from Safania right away, you would start to worry, and it may be awhile before she wakes up. As soon as she does, I'll have her write you.



Cassius returned to his tent to reread the letter in private. Don't want you to worry. No cause for concern. Those phrases rang completely hollow in his head. How was he not supposed to worry? He thought back to his letter. What could he have possibly said to impact Safania that badly?

Should he call this off? Safania's wellbeing was more important to him than anything. But the only way to make her truly safe would be to get rid of Alterius altogether. And this was their chance...they might not get another.

Ari burst into his tent, interrupting his thoughts.

"Yes?" he asked, thankful for the distraction.

"It's Valery. I went to check on her and she's being ridiculous. I can't deal with her."

"No one asked you to," Cassius replied, raising his eyebrows.

"She won't let them heal her," Ari continued, ignoring Cassius. "I tried to convince her, but..."

"But...?" Cassius prompted.

Ari let out an exasperated sigh. "She told me that I have the charisma of a bowl of week-old rice and that if she ever has to rely on my skills of persuasion to save her life, she'll just start digging her own grave."

Cassius snorted. "Well, it sounds like she's back to normal."

"Please," Ari said. "Can you talk to her?"

"Why do you care?" Cassius asked knowingly.

"Because..." Ari paused. "Because if she tries to train without being fully healed, she's going to injure herself. And we can't afford to be down one of our best fighters."

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