Chapter 23

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Third Person POV

Everyone at the table, including Cassius, sat for a moment without speaking. Concerned she had crossed some line, Safania interrupted the silence.

"Your majesty, I apologize for the damaged portrait. I wanted to show I am not a liar, but I should not have damaged it in doing so. I will accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate," Safania said, breaking the silence and lowering her head again.

Still no one spoke. Then, the King burst out into laughter. "Apologize for damaging that dusty old portrait? I daresay that's the most exciting thing that's happened around here in months!"

The King turned to Cassius. "I can see why you kept her from us for so long. She's a firecracker," he said in between laughs.

His advisor looked impressed, as did Orphasius, but Alterius, Celine, and Orphasius's dates were not amused in the slightest.

"If you had just known your place, you wouldn't have needed to learn how to do that," Alterius said, irritated.

"Lighten up Alterius," Orphasius said. "Just because Celine is as vanilla as you can get doesn't mean you have to be jealous of our brother for finding someone exciting. Besides, once he's done with her I'm sure he'll share."

Safania looked to Cassius, concerned. He grabbed her hand under the table and squeezed gently to reassure her. There was no way he would let his disgusting brothers get their hands on her.

"Just because you couldn't be monogamous if your life depended on it doesn't mean that those of us who are are 'vanilla'" Celine snapped.

"Fortunately my life doesn't depend on it," Orphasius said while smirking and putting his arms around both of his dates. Now that they were receiving his attention, the women seemed pacified.

Cassius wasn't paying attention to either of them. Instead, he was looking at Safania, who was keeping her head down and enjoying the attention not being on her. While Orphasius and Celine exchanged barbs, Cassius found himself realizing yet again that he really knew nothing about this woman.

"Enough," the King bellowed, breaking up the argument and interrupting Cassius's thoughts. "Celine, since you are so vocal tonight, why don't you tell us about your visit with the doctor today?"

Celine smiled and rubbed her large belly. Cassius and Safania pretended to listen as she prattled on about her prenatal care, all the while hoping dinner would end soon.

The rest of dinner was fairly uneventful, with the King asking questions to different people and those people responding. Eventually the King rose and everyone fell silent.

"My family, thank you all for joining me for dinner." He turned to Prince Cassius. "I trust we will see you more often in the future."

Cassius nodded, despite having no intention of forcing Safania to sit through another uncomfortable meal like this one. King Theodore smiled.

"Goodnight dear family," the King said to the group. "My lady," he said, extending a hand to his giggling companion, who had consumed a little too much wine. She followed him happily out of the dining room.

Immediately after King Theodore left, the dining room descended into chaos. Prince Orphasius, smirking, resumed his argument with Princess Celine. Prince Alterius began arguing with Advisor Melli about strategy. Liasa sunk down in her seat, looking as if she wanted to disappear. Orphasius's two companions started bickering with each other as well.

"Quick, while they're distracted," Cassius told Safania. He helped her get up and onto her crutches.

"What, leaving so soon brother?" Orphasius called after him.

"Just keep walking," Cassius told Safania.

"Just know sweetheart, if you are ever interested in knowing what a real man feels like, my door is always open," Orphasius called out to Safania. "You have no idea what you're missing."

The two finally escaped the dining room, leaving the mess behind. "Safania, I am truly sorry," Cassius said to her once they were further away from the room.

"You have nothing to apologize for," she replied. "I should be the one apologizing. I don't know what I was thinking throwing that knife."

Prince Cassius smiled. "Why would you apologize for that? It was brilliant."

"It was impulsive and reckless. Two not so great qualities."

The prince looked at Safania, who was clearly upset by how she had dealt with the situation. "Safania, I think you handled it well. My family has a knack for bringing out the worst in people, but instead of retreating you defended yourself. Not many people can handle them like that."

Safania studied the Prince's face and was surprised to see a look of approval. The respect she had been so focused on getting from him she had now earned without even thinking about it.

"So men did bother you on your travels?" Cassius repeated his question from earlier.

"They tried," Safania replied. "They were unsuccessful."

"You went around throwing knives at them?"

Safania smiled wistfully. "Among other things."

Seeing that Safania was not going to volunteer information, Cassius probed further. "Like...?"

Safania looked to him. She didn't really want to reveal more information than she had to, but this was also one of the first times he had looked at her as almost an equal, not a pathetic little bird with a broken wing.

"I'm also decent at hand-to-hand combat," she replied. She didn't add that the reason she was good at knife-throwing and combat was because she was terrified that if she couldn't get away using normal skills, her powers would kick in and reveal her as a marked woman.

The prince continued to examine her. Finally, he spoke. "I would love to see that."

Safania pointed to her leg. "It's a little difficult to pull off on crutches. But once my leg heals, I would be happy to spar with someone and show you what I'm made of."

The prince smiled a rare, genuine smile. "I would like that."

The two arrived at Safania's bedroom. "Despite my family being...their normal selves, I really did enjoy dinner with you tonight," Prince Cassius said sincerely.

Safania nodded. "Me too."

Cassius grabbed Safania's hand, raised it to his lips, and kissed it. Safania felt chills travel through her, radiating from the spot Cassius had kissed.

Cassius found himself entranced by Safania's emerald eyes. How badly he wanted to follow her into her bed chamber. He already wanted her and had since he met her, but the way she handled his family? How brave she was? Every second he spent with her, he felt himself falling deeper and deeper for her. But he didn't know yet if she felt what he was feeling, and he wanted to get this right. If that meant waiting, so be it.

Cassius wrenched himself away from her, his mind taking control over his heart. "Goodnight my lady," he said, slowly lowering her hand.

"Goodnight your highness," she responded.

"Cassius," Cassius said.


"When we're alone, just call me Cassius. No need for the formalities."

Safania paused. It felt odd to refer to royalty so casually, but an order was an order.

"Goodnight Cassius," she said softly.

Hearing his name, his plain name, fall from her lips was intoxicating. But before he could react, she had already walked inside and shut the door. Good, Cassius thought. If she had stayed there, he's not sure he could have resisted pulling her to him and not letting her go.

Cassius stopped by Emalina's room to let her know Safania was back and ready for bed. He then walked to his room, changed into his nightwear, and crawled into his bed, ready for an undoubtedly restless sleep.

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