Chapter 84

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Third Person POV

Cassius hadn't even realized he had dozed off, but was jolted awake by the sound of Safania screaming. Startled, he stood up and backed away in shock. Three attendants came rushing in, including Layla.

"Safania? Safania, listen to me," Layla said, kneeling by Safania's bed. "It's Layla. You're safe."

"You're lying," Safania cried, tears streaming down her face. "Where is his majesty? Take me to him. Take me to King Alterius."

"Safania, you're safe here. He can't hurt you here."

"You're testing me," Safania accused, her eyes beginning to glow as she grew more hysterical. "I don't want to be here, I want to be with him."

Cassius looked on, horrified. He felt a pain in his chest, like someone was wringing his heart out to dry.

"Safania, deep breaths, okay?" Layla said. "Maria, you need to calm her down."

"I'm really trying," Maria replied desperately. "But I'm so tired Layla."

Layla turned back to Safania. "Safania, Cassius is here."

"Stop lying!" Safania exclaimed angrily, clenching her forehead. Sparks shot from her hands as she raised them to her head.

"I'm not lying sweetheart," Layla said calmly. "He's right here."

Layla looked at Cassius and mouthed the words "come here" to him. He stepped forward, making contact with Safania's glowing eyes.

"Saf, it's me."

Safania focused on Cassius, shaking her head. "You're not real." She turned back to Layla. "Get out of my head," she shouted angrily.

"Maria, hold up," Layla said to Maria, putting her hand up. "No one's in your head anymore Safania. And he's still here."

Safania looked to Cassius, confused.

"Do you remember when we played chess together? And you got mad at me, so you played terribly?" Cassius began.

Safania nodded slowly.

"And I put you in your room to punish you. But you..." Cassius smiled to himself. "You crawled all the way back to the library. I think mainly out of spite. I couldn't believe it. That's when I knew I was in deep, deep trouble. That's when I knew that falling in love with you was inevitable."

Safania's eyes had returned to normal. "Cassius?" she whispered.

Cassius took her hand and nodded.

Slower, silent tears began to fall down Safania's face. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Why?' Cassius asked, confused.

Safania paused, searching for what she wanted to say. "I'm sorry I'm not the girl you fell in love with," she finally replied, staring down at her bed.

Cassius looked at her in disbelief. "You are," he told her emphatically.

She shook her head. "He changed me. I wasn't..." she choked on her words. "I wasn't strong enough."

"Shh," he told her, pulling her to his chest. "You are stronger than anyone I've ever met. We're going to get through this."

"Will you stay?" she asked, finally looking at him with somber, tear-filled eyes.

"Always," he told her, helping her lay back down. He tenderly brushed a strand of hair out of her face and continued to gently brush her hair with his fingers as she fell asleep.

"You were great," Layla said supportively, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Cassius brushed his thumb lightly against Safania's cheek. "How often does this happen?"

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