Chapter 83

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Third Person POV

"There are still plenty of men at the fort who would be loyal to you, your highness," Ari told Cassius, as they waited in Zamari's tent for her to return from visiting Safania. "I think the best plan involves going there first."

"But then someone is going to tip off Alterius," Cassius countered.

"I think the risk is worth it. We're talking about..." Ari's thought was cut short by someone entering the tent. The two turned, expecting to see Zamari. Instead, Safania stood at the entrance of the tent, sunlight streaming in behind her. Her hair was messy, she was barefoot, and her eyes were somewhat sunken into her face, but she still had an ethereal beauty about her.

Cassius immediately stood. The two looked at each other as if they were the only two people in the universe. Then they ran to each other, wrapping their arms tightly around the other. Safania buried her head into Cassius's chest as she began to sob, while he gently stroked her hair.

"I thought I lost you," Safania told him between her tears.

"I'm right here," Cassius whispered in her ear, pulling her even more tightly to him.

Eventually Safania's tears stopped, but the two continued to hold each other close. She put her hand on the side of his face, to help her remember how it felt. "This is real?" she whispered just to him.

He nodded. "Yes Saf. It's real."

She smiled, trying not to start crying again. She pulled him close again, clinging to him as though if she let go, he would float away.

Their reunion was cut short by Layla, Riko, Of'Ket, and Valery entering the tent.

"Zamari, you're going to have to come with us," Riko told Zamari.

"Come on Safania, let's get you back to bed," Layla said kindly to Safania. Safania ignored her.

"Am I in trouble?" Zamari asked.

"Of course you're in trouble," Valery said, exasperated. "First you help Safania run away without telling a soul, then you tell her about Cassius, something you were expressly forbidden from doing. You'll be lucky if they don't banish you."

"Safania, let's go," Layla repeated, looking to Cassius as if to plead for some help.

"Am I a prisoner here?" Safania asked, interrupting Valery and ignoring Layla.

"Of course not," Valery replied.

"Then I was free to leave, and I would have left whether or not my mother helped me. But she came with me to keep me safe. And you want to punish her for that?"

"Safania, she wasn't supposed to..." Of'Ket began.

"To what? Tell me that my fiancée is alive? Because I've been doing so well thinking he was dead," Safania replied sarcastically.

"Safania, listen..." Of'Ket interjected.

"No, you listen. You thought letting me think that Cassius was dead was the best thing for me. You were wrong. My mother realized you were wrong and did what she knew was right to help her daughter. I won't hold your being wrong against you as long as you don't hold her disobeying your rules against her."

Valery stared at Safania, irritated. "You don't get to go around here making demands. You have no authority here."

"Neither do you," Ari interjected, earning him a glare.

"First, you have no idea what my authority is, and second, what are you even doing here?" Valery asked pointedly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had to inform you of my movements," Ari snapped back.

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