Chapter 72

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Third Person POV

Zamari kept her arms crossed, looking at the trio expectantly.

"Are you feeling okay?" Safania asked, concerned.

"I'm fine," she replied evenly. "It's nice to see you again Cassius," she said, turning her focus to him, though her tone made it very clear she wasn't pleased to see him at all.

"Thank you for bringing Safania back," he replied curtly.

Zamari stared at him for another moment before turning her attention to Ari. "And who are you?"

"This is General Ari, mom."

Zamari scoffed. "I suppose he knows too?" she asked Safania.

"He does now. He's the one who helped you into the fort last night. And he taught me sword fighting. He's a friend, mom," Safania explained.

Zamari looked at Ari suspiciously. "So what is it?" she asked finally. "What am I not going to be happy about?"

Safania took a deep breath. "I'm going back to Peria to get married."

Zamari was silent for a few moments. "I suppose he put you up to this," Zamari said finally, gesturing to Cassius.

"I'm just trying to figure out what's best for Safania," Cassius interjected.

"Oh, you have done quite enough your highness. Don't you think?" Zamari's voice dripped with disdain.

"Mom, that's not fair. He's doing this so we can make sure to protect our baby."

"No, he got you to go along with it because of your baby," Zamari said, switching her language to Eirlin thinking Cassius wouldn't be able to understand. "He's doing this because now he knows how powerful you are and he wants to lock you down. If you go to Peria, you'll never come back."

"You don't know him..." Safania tried to tell her again, but Zamari cut her off.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I do know him? He's like all the others. And I can't believe that my own daughter was foolish enough to fall for his lies. Even worse, you've turned yourself into his breeding stock. You should have gotten rid of that baby when I told you to. It's still not too late."

A noise startled them. Cassius, who had been listening in, had crushed the metal mug he had been holding out of anger. Ari stared at the crumpled metal in shock. But Zamari, realizing the only reason why Cassius would have the strength to do that, gave Safania a disapproving shake of her head and walked out of the hut.

"I'm sorry," Safania told Cassius.

"She wants to get rid of my child. Our child," Cassius said in a quiet rage.

"She's not thinking clearly," Safania replied. "Let me go find her. It's going to be okay."

With that, Safania left the tent as well. With the two women gone, Ari let out a long, deep breath and shook his head. 

"Now I see where Safania gets her attitude from," he said to Cassius. "Do you want to explain that?" he asked, gesturing to the broken mug. Cassius sighed.

Outside the tent, Safania ran after her mother. "Mom, wait," she called out.

Her mom twirled around angrily. "You slept with him again? What were you thinking?"

Safania shrugged. "I guess that I can't get any more pregnant than I already am."

"This isn't funny Safania. Now you're going to marry him?"

"He's my fiancé mom. That's kind of what engaged couples do – get married."

Zamari sighed. "I just thought I would have more time to get you to realize who he is."

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