Chapter 41

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Safania's POV

I'm in love with you.

The prince clearly did not think of me as a friend. He thought of me as his potential wife. The future mother of his children. His queen. Cassius's words swirled around in my head, making me dizzy. What was worse was that I had feelings for him too. That kiss just helped me see what I had been realizing all along – this man was dangerous. From his handsome features to his kindness and intelligence.

And yet, I still wanted him.

When he kissed me, I kissed him back. And my body was practically screaming that it craved physical intimacy with this man. Which meant that I had to get out as quickly as possible.

"I don't feel well," I said abruptly.

"What's the matter?" the prince asked.

"My leg" I replied. "I think it's had enough for the night."

"Of course," Cassius said. "Let me walk you back to your room and I'll have Emalina take care of you."

"I can walk back myself," I replied.

"I insist," he said firmly. "Especially if it's your leg. I don't want you to damage any of the progress you're making by overworking it. Let me be your crutch."

I acquiesced, putting my arm on his shoulder. We walked towards the East Wing of the castle.

"Are you not going to respond to what I said?" Cassius finally said, breaking the silence.

"I don't know how to answer Cassius," I said finally.

"What do you mean? Do you feel the same or don't you?" he asked.

"I . . . ," I struggled to find the words. "It's complicated."

"Then you don't feel the same," the prince responded, "because my feelings for you are the simplest thing."

"It's not the feelings that are difficult," I tried to explain, but Cassius cut me off.

"You don't need to worry about anything else. I know there are a lot of other things going on, but we can figure it out. At the end of the day, what matters is what we feel for each other. And I firmly believe everything else will fall into place."

We reached my bedchamber. "Thank you for helping me back," I said.

"Do you want me to help you with your dress?" he asked.

"No, if you can send Emalina that would be fine," I replied.

"Are you sure? Because it's late. And Emalina is probably sleeping." He stepped close to me again. I found myself entranced by his intoxicating, woodsy scent. His brilliant blue eyes were completely focused on me. Curse him. I stopped being able to think.

I was surprised because this time, I found myself kissing him. Before I could even register what I was doing, I found myself pulling him to me, my lips meeting his once again. He responded forcefully, wrapping me in his muscular arms. This kiss wasn't like the one before. It was deeper. Hungrier. Desperate.

Cassius lifted me easily onto the dresser in my room, pushing me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him while he kissed my neck again. Pushing away the layers of fabric, the prince began to grind his pelvis against mine. Even through his pants, I could feel his firm erection rubbing against my sensitive core. Cassius's hands moved to my breasts, which he squeezed, hard, through the fabric. I couldn't control the moans that escaped me. Every touch, every kiss, every sensation felt so good. I wanted to surrender to the absolute bliss I was feeling. So I did.

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