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Lia knew something was wrong once she watched her best friend walk away upsettingly. She took out the ripped up note and decided to glue back all together once she had the chance in art class, she read the note and sighed.

"This is not his handwriting..she must've been so broken thinking he rejected her, she was so excited..who would pull such a prank..this is not cool."

Lia quickly got up and went to find her best friend at lunch, "hey Mila!!" She says running up to her.

It seemed as though Mila had cried because her eyes looked puffy. "Hey now don't cry okay? The note was not from Anthony someone forged the note, I know his handwriting don't worry, there's still a chance."

"Are you sure..?" Mila asked sniffing. " I am positive! Whoever did that is jealous of you and it shows, they can't stand seeing you having a crush on Anthony, look don't worry about it..and don't skip Lunch I brought you food." Lia took out her lunch and shared with Mila.

Mila nodded and ate with Lia, once they were done there was Anthony approaching the both of them. Mila knew she didn't look her best right now since she'd been crying, she sighed and looked down.

"Hey lia..and hey your lia's best friend who texted me? Mila is that right?"

"Yes.." she said not looking up. "Are you okay?" Anthony asked. "Well to be honest someone wrote a letter and impersonated you, saying a really mean thing to her, it's a good thing I fixed up the note and realized what they had said other wise, that person would've gotten away with impersonating you."

Mila looked at lia surprised that she told him. "Look I'm really sorry Mila, just know whatever they told you it's not true, I'm sure your a great girl I just don't understand why they would impersonate me to say mean things to you."

"I'll leave you two alone to talk." Lia winked at Mila walking away.

Anthony looked at lia walking away and then turn back smiling at Mila hugging her. "We're friends now and im here for you, you can tell me anything. Saturday, we will have fun so forget all about those
Mean people." Anthony said patting her head.

Her face became red and her heart was beating fast she had been so nervous. "I'm go with you." He looked at her and nodded, "me text me later I have to get going to my other class see you around." Anthony waves and slowly walked away.

She was so happy with just that encounter and  wasn't even sad anymore.

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