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"Remember what I told you? If someone messes with you tell me! I will handle it myself." Tory says hugging her once more before heading off to training. "Thanks a lot Tory."

"No problem what are sisters for?" Tory smiled and waved. Meanwhile mila says bye to her dad before going to another day of boring school it was the same as always, awkward as ever because mila had lia in most of her classes.

Then to her surprise someone was transferred to her class, she looked up and her stomach turned as she saw Anthony larusso walk in. 'Are you serious?' she thought.

Anthony made eye contact with mila and she looked away. The first thing Anthony did was go and sit next to lia, her heart shattered as she watched the two, it's like they were in their own world worried about no one but themselves it honestly pissed mila off.

That was just the first class, why was he switched to this class, obviously it was just to be next to lia which mila couldn't stand being in the class with the both of them, so she would decide on a big decision well it wasn't that big of a decision but she would switch out all the classes she had with lia and also Anthony and Change to a different class.

Mila packed her things up and got up walking towards her teacher, "Hey can I get a pass? I need to talk to my guidance counselor. It's about something important to do with my classes."

"Alright will you be back or? Do you need me to write you a pass for the whole period?"

"The whole period."

The teacher quickly wrote down her pass and handed it to her. "Good luck." Her teacher told her.

She walked out almost ready to cry.

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