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" be honest I don't even know where to start.."
Mila told her.

"From the very beginning I can sit here and listen to you"

"so I was in the 7th grade when I first met my best friend lia, you know at first I was only even approaching her to help me with this guy I liked..his name is Anthony I'm sure you've heard of him everyone's heard of him, he's the son of the larusso's"

"Okay so is there like some conflict between all 3 of you kids?" Diana the counselor asked her.

"To be honest he's in love with her, regardless we became best friends and I never told her how I felt after a year I think she decided to help me get closer to him."

"He only gave me a chance because of her..he used me to get to her and now their both finally together, I can't believe he used me but even more so that she betrayed me, she was suppose to be my best friend I know that when we first met I didn't have a big intention of getting really close to her I just wanted to be with him but we got close regardless and she became my best friend and I really did care about her I know I went about it in the wrong way, and I had regretted that, it was the only reason I approached her but now I don't regret anything since it was so easy for her to betray me!"

"Wow honey I am so sorry that must have been so tough for you what I can tell you is that do you still care about your friendship with her? Maybe you two can reconcile and maybe you can move on from Anthony maybe he is not the right one for you? It just shows he brought so much conflict in the both of your lives." The counselor explained.

"I don't know what I feel anymore I'm not sure about reconciling with her and I really like Anthony, i just don't understand why not me?"

"Well maybe you should start thinking about yourself first. I mean what will be the best decision for you? What will help you move forward into your future, and your happiness is most important what decision will
Make you happy and content?" Diana asked her.

"He makes me happy.." she told her.

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