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"Are you excited??? I'm so excited I can't wait to go!! I'm gonna call Kenny and see if he's on his way." Lia said as she dialed his number.

"Oh hey lia I'm on my way now!" Kenny answered the phone and told lia. "Okay I'm waiting at my house with my best friend I'll see you then."she said hanging up.

"Is...Anthony still coming?" Mila asked looking at the floor, "of course! Let me text him, Looks like someone is looking forward to today as much as me." Lia told mila.

"I am..I just hope me and Anthony will be able to talk and get along without things being awkward..since he knows the way I feel about him."

"Don't worry everything will be okay."

Anthony called lia, "hey lia so I talked to my parents and I'm able to come with you to the amusement park but my parents didn't want me to go alone so my father asked my big sister Sam if she could babysit's totally annoying but anyway my sister Sam and her boyfriend Miguel are coming along if you don't mind.."

" oh that's fine I don't mind." Lia told Anthony.

"Great well see you there."

Miguel had decided to drive sam and her brother to lia's house where mila and Lia were waiting to be picked up.

Kenny arrived and Lia looked extremely happy. "So who's picking us up?" Kenny asked lia.

"Oh Anthony's sister and her boyfriend they'll be here soon and then we can head out!!"

Meanwhile mila felt like she was third wheeling between Kenny and Lia. "You two love birds forgot I was here?"

Lia looked embarrassed. "I will not even argue with you.." she said blushing while looking away.

Kenny laughs, "If you feel like a third wheel just say so." Kenny jokes.

"Ouch that kind of hurt!!" Mila said jokingly.

"Well soon you won't have to worry about being a third wheel because Anthony and you will be the next couple and it's going to be a triple date me and Kenny, you and Anthony and Samantha and her boyfriend." Lia said teasing.

"Yeah I hope."

"So you like lapusso?" Kenny joked.

"We agreed you shouldn't use that word anymore right Kenny? We don't want problems with you and Anthony when he arrives."

"I know it's just funny." Kenny couldn't help but laugh.

" I mean he does have a point it is funny besides wasn't Anthony the one who bullied Kenny first? which escalated this problem in the first place."

"Yeah he was totally an ass to me but I got him back after joining cobra Kai." Kenny felt confident with himself now that he was in cobra Kai he didn't need to worry about being scared, he could easily kick anyones ass.

" yeah but I heard cobra Kai brainwashes their students that they are not very good people and most of the  students use offense to hurt people, I also heard a rumor about them cheating just to win." Mila said.

" well to be honest I think cobra Kai is pretty great, they taught me how to stand up for myself against people like Anthony I'm no longer a scared little boy I once was."

" if you joined Miyagi do maybe things would've been better." Mila said to Kenny.

"Why? How would it ?" Kenny asked.

Lia just observed their conversation. " for one Miyagi do teaches you how to fight karate but fairly cobra Kai is unfair their students are bullies too,  miyagi do teaches respect,  you could learn a lot from miyagi do,  they teach you defense to stand up for yourself they would've been a better option to me anyway."

" Yeah well i was offered cobra Kai and things turned out great." Kenny told her.

"Alright enough of this karate talk Anthony is here!" Lia told them.

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