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"My father is John créese and not many people know this piece of information, my father has worked way too hard to lose now, he is the best karate sensei there is and the only reason I even joined miyagi do, was to gain information so I can help my father win this years all valley tournament, I should've listened to my father when he told me not to fall in love with Daniel larusso's son, because all the larusso's are the same, they'll never change."

"And for once I thought someone actually cared about me, I thought you cared about me. Maybe I didn't fully trust Anthony because deep down I know how he felt about you, but I trusted you and you were good to me, so I never would have imagine that you of all people would betray me it really did hurt I started to feel bad for using you to get to Anthony because the truth is I was proud to call you my best friend but now I don't regret a single choice i made."

Lia stood there shocked trying to take in every single thing mila had just told her. Anthony was hiding behind the locker listening to the conversation in fact he had heard the whole thing as well, he was shocked but nevertheless he understood the way she felt.

He wanted to give her a hug but it was too late for that, she wouldn't forgive him now.

"I have no reason to be in that stupid dojo anymore." Mila told lia. "Since you both betrayed me, I guess I should just go back to where i belong and don't worry I'll be telling my father every single thing that has happened I'll make sure he wins this all valley tournament otherwise, I'll be ashamed to face him."

Mila said walking away from lia.

After school mila went to her fathers dojo and reported everything. "Hey dad.." mila said running to her father in tears, she was crying really hard.

John hugged his daughter and had became very upset after watching his daughter cry, "who dares to hurt you, they will pay." He said angrily.

"You must win the all valley tournament, you were right about the larusso's I only wish I had listened sooner..I was betrayed twice, but I must not show weakness." She said wiping her tears.

"No honey it's okay to cry, your my daughter so I will protect you no one will hurt you ever again and I will win the all valley tournament." He told his daughter wiping her tears.

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