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The next day of school mila ignored lia, even though lia would try to approach her many times it just wouldn't work.

"Mila please wait..please can we just talk for a second?" Lia asked her. "What is there to talk about? You knew about my feelings for Anthony! You knew how I felt, but yet that didn't matter because for you it was so easy to betray your own best friend, right?"

"I didn't mean for it to get this far, I only just realized the way I felt about him.."

"The way you felt about him? Do you not care about my feelings?"

"How could you ask that? Of course I do, i helped you get closer with him I was the one who helped you become his girlfriend if it wasn't for me you'd never be his girlfriend."

"Wow you know what? I can't believe you. How could you do this to me? I am suppose to be your best friend yes your the one who helped me get into a relationship with him, so how could you break my happiness? If you really cared about me you wouldn't have done this."

"I told you from the beginning Anthony isn't a good guy! I warned you." Lia told mila.

"But you never told me you of all people who was suppose to be my best friend would become a traitor, his accomplice."

"I'm sorry okay..I know it's wrong of me, and I can't take it back now..I don't regret it either." Lia said.

"Oh really? You know I wasn't ever gonna tell you this, because we had became really close but the truth is I became your best friend that day only to get closer with Anthony I used you so Anthony and I could be together, I saw you two together..and it really hurt me..I questioned why he would be with someone like you! the fake note? I planted it. Lola and I, we go back a long way at least she doesn't betray me like you did, she only helped me. The threatening messages? It was all me. The truth is, people don't hate or pity me."

"the truth is....I'm well liked because my father is.."

To be continued.

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